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Isabel Backyard Birding


During the afternoon yesterday I watched a sunflower feeder for about three hours in the yard, and had a few surprises, along with the regulars:

Northern Cardinals  (I wish I had a nickel for every one I had)
Carolina Chickadees  (Warbler magnets)
American Goldfinch
Tufted Titmouse
Mourning Dove
Magnolia Warbler
BG Gnatcatcher
Downy Woodpecker
American Redstart
House Finch
Chipping Sparrow
RT Hummers
RE Vireo
BH Nuthatch
WB Nuthatch
Am. Crow
Common Grackle

I'm going to Indian Trail near Durham on Saturday morning to look for Golden-wings, and any other warblers.  Does anyone want to tag along?  I'm slightly wounded (Knee surgery), but I get around well.)

Brian K. Pendergraft
Falls Lake (N. Raleigh)