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Re: Isabel birds at Falls Lake, NC

I scoped the lake from Hickory Hill boat ramp between 0845 and 0900 - must have just missed Will.

There were 6 Royal Terns present - 5 were perched in the trees back near the I-85 bridge and a 6th was cruising the lake and made a fairly close pass of the boat ramp.

Will check Lake Crabtree on my way home.

Dan Kaplan
(at work in Raleigh)

-----Original Message-----
From: Will Cook <cwcook@duke.edu>
Sent: Sep 19, 2003 9:58 AM
To: carolinabirds@duke.edu
Subject: Isabel birds at Falls Lake, NC

I briefly checked out Falls Lake this morning to look for any birds 
that Hurricane Isabel might have blown in...

Cheek Rd. causeway:
- 1 SANDWICH TERN (2nd record for Durham Co., 3 were found after Fran 
- 1 ROYAL TERN (about the 3rd Durham record; 15 after Fran)
- 2 distant tern sp. (1 large, 1 small)

Nothing at the Hickory Hills boat ramp (except for the terns in the 
distance) or a couple of other spots in the area I checked.

Charles W. "Will" Cook                  w 919-660-7423
http://www.duke.edu/~cwcook            cwcook@duke.edu
Box 90340, Biology Dept., Duke Univ., Durham, NC 27708