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Lincoln's, Clay-colored Sparrow, Nashville Warbler and much more on Outer Banks

Hi folks,
Having a good time on the Outer Banks these days! I
hope fall never ends! I haven't posted in about 4 days
so here goes:

PHILADELPHIA VIREO 3 days ago in the Elizabethan
Gardens, possibly the same bird there now for over two
NASHVILLE WARBLER in my back yard late yesterday
afternoon (sorry Gail, at least it wasn't a
CLAY-COLORED SPARROW another new yard bird - been
there for 6 days now, if it's the same bird.
LINCOLN'S SPARROW today at the North dike of North
Pond at Pea Island. Had 12 species of warblers there
today as well.
We had an influx of thrushes two days ago. Have seen a
few Gray-cheeked, Swainson's, and Wood Thrushes since
then. The Elizabethan Gardens has been a good spot. 
Have seen a total of 21 species of warblers these last
4 days including: Bay-breasted, Blackpoll,
Blackburnian, Cape May, N. Waterthrush, Yellow, YB
Chat, Hooded, Black-throated Green, Black-throated
Blue, Magnolia...
Also: Scarlet Tanagers, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks,
Baltimore Orioles (starting to thin out a little),
House Wrens are showing up, first White-throated
Sparrow today, Blue Grosbeaks, Indigo Buntings, couple
of Empidonax flycatchers.
FYI: Pea Island is now almost completely open - watch
out for those bumps in the road!

Jeff Lewis
Manteo, NC

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