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Re: Cinnamon Teal, etc.-Spoil Site CBC trip

quoth the Raven:
>To borrow a word from our friend, country Gary Phillips:

let the record show: i've never maintained residence outside the corporate
limits of any municipality.

and i can read and write and count to 20 without taking my shoes off, too!

glad y'all saw some cool birds!



gary phillips
conway, sc
sunset zone 31

"...where is the person, I ask, who, on observing this glittering fragment
of the rainbow, would not pause, admire, and turn his mind with
reverence..." (J.J. Audubon)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Compton" <scompton@sc.rr.com>
To: "Nathan Dias" <dias@frane.vortex4.net>; <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Cc: "Cathy Jaggars" <cjaggars@sc.rr.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: Cinnamon Teal, etc.-Spoil Site CBC trip

> Dear birders,
> To borrow a word from our friend, country Gary Phillips:
> Whooooooeeeeee!
> The Spoil Site was great, and thanks to Steve Calver,
> Nathan Dias, Paul Champlin, Dennis Forsythe, and the other fellows who
> all the good birds for me, I added two state birds and one North American
> life
> bird (Wilson's Phalarope) to my list. I had just seen Franklin's Gull for
> the first time a few weeks ago in
> Denver, Colorado, and they followed me here. Just as we
> checked the last good spot of the day, after having missed the spot where
> all the waders gathered and the spoonbills were seen last week, Dennis
> yelled "SPOONBILLS!"
> and two bright pink adult birds flew across from left to right,
> lit in the afternoon sun. I must explain that
> I have long been under a curse, similar to that afflicting the Boston Red
> Sox, that has prevented me from seeing the best birds that were seen a
> or a day or an hour
> before. Very often over the years a birding group will
> see the best bird of the day right after I leave to go home.
> This time, all three wonderful birds seen last week at the spoil site were
> still there! So, again, if I may:
> Ain't birdin' great?
> Steve Compton
> Summerville,SC
> scompton@sc.rr.com
> PS: No alien abductions or interventions were involved in the sighting of
> these birds or in the composition of this message
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Nathan Dias" <dias@frane.vortex4.net>
> To: <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
> Sent: Saturday, October 04, 2003 7:00 PM
> Subject: Cinnamon Teal, etc.-Spoil Site CBC trip
> > We enjoyed great birding today at the Savannah Spoil Site in Jasper
> County, SC.  Thanks to Steve Calver of the Corps of Engineers for
> facilitating and playing guide.  Dennis Forsythe, Paul Champlin, Tim
> Kalbach, Steve Compton and a few others  attended, so there were plenty of
> talented spotters on the case.
> >
> > Highlights:
> >
> > Roseate Spoonbill - 2
> > Eared Grebe - 7
> > Wilson's Phalarope - 5
> > White-rumped Sandpiper
> > Stilt Sandpiper - 3 or 4
> > Am. Avocet - 25-30
> > Black-necked Stilt - 2
> > LB Dowitcher - 2 that I recall
> > LOTS of peeps
> > Wood Storks - couple dozen
> > Glossy Ibis - 50-ish
> > White Ibis - couple dozen
> > Purple Gallinule - couple of folks had brief look
> > Peregrine, Merlin and Kestrel
> > Mottled Ducks - 8-ish
> > N. Harrier - several including a male
> > Common Ground-Dove - 18-20 (lead vehicle got most looks)
> > Blackpoll Warbler - brief look
> > N. Waterthrush - 2
> > Painted Bunting - several
> >
> >
> > Nathan Dias -Charleston, SC