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snow classes

these snow days are totally destroying the syllabus as you may have
noticed. many of you may not be reading e-mail especially if you mostly
use the computers at unc (since the school has been closed for going on
three days). i hope you are all warm and well. 
Let's take the class these ways: keep reading Neuman and will pick up with
Donnie on another date probably in two weeks time.

http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20000126/wr/tech_china_2.html Big Brother
cracks down. China is perhaps the most directly Orwellian government still
in existance. Can their version of censorship and control be
effective? What would Neuman say? China is also endorsing Open Source
software according to various sources. Will this have an openning
effect? Say according to Stallman, Raymond and Neuman.


On the movie and music fronts, the Motion Picture Association of
America--the same folks who tried to have the betamax and other vcrs
outlawed--are moving against DeCSS and other DVD playing software in
several ways including getting the Norwegian govenment to arrest the 16
year old DeCSS author and his father after a raid of their home.
http://jya.com/crypto.htm is also a good site for this controvery
including full text testimonies from several experts and rebutals


A friend sends this announcement about a PBS special to air on
Friday. Those interested in equal access and the digital divide should not
miss this one:

The Digital Divide
  Public Broadcasting System stations in North America
  January 28, 2000   Friday 9 - 11pm

You can learn more about the program and the issues at

"Computers are increasingly conditioning the kind of country we live in.
DIGITAL DIVIDE shines a light on the role computers play in widening
social gaps throughout our society, particularly among young people. By
providing equitable and meaningful access to technology we can ensure that
all children step into the 21st Century together."

The Dept of Commerce report "Falling through the Net" is thoughtfully done
(www.ntia.doc.gov) and is based on US Census data.

                             Paul Jones
   "We must protect our precious bodily fluids!" General Jack D Ripper
http://MetaLab.unc.edu/pjones/ at the Site Formerly Known As SunSITE.unc.edu
  pjones@MetaLab.unc.edu   voice: (919) 962-7600     fax: (919) 962-8071 