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netmusic conference at Harvard 2/28

not that any of us will be in Cambridge Mass on Friday, but the conference
is worth checking out on the Net. John Perry Barlow, Negativland's Mark
Hostler, DJ Spooky, They Might Be Giants, Chuck D and much much
more--including RIAA and ASCAP folks. Note that eMusic is a partial
sponsor (perhaps in trade for seats on the panels?).

 * Signal or Noise?--the Future of Music on the Net:  Join us this Friday,
 February 25 for a free daylong conference--featuring Chuck D. and other
 thinkers and activists--to explore how Internet technology is
 revolutionizing the music industry.
 Will record labels be replaced by URLs? Is the new Walkman(TM) a Palm
 Pilot(TM)?  Why is a company called SpectraDisc making CDs that
 Co-sponsored by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), the event
 features panel discussions with activists and musicians, demonstrations of
 cutting-edge technologies, and addresses by leaders in law, technology,
 and the music industry. It culminates in an informal reception and a
 concert at Cambridge's House of Blues featuring bands enthusiastic about
 digital distribution--including They Might Be Giants, sponsored by
 Click on the link below for details, including the conference agenda,
 registration and ticket information, and directions to the event. We are
 webcasting the conference--please register online to participate!