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Re: e-commerce gender article

I'd agree with Robyn.  As I read that article I thought just what women
are they interviewing.  Probably, though, the women in this field
(information science/computer science) would
scew the results a little, since we tend to "process" more!  (At least I'd
like to think of myself that way!) :)  I wonder what the non-processing
women would say?
OK, enough fun with this...

Lisa Potter
School of Information and Library Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

On Wed, 19 Apr 2000, Robyn Pretzloff wrote:

> I hate articles like this.
> I guess I'd screw up their results since yes, as a girl, I do shop at places
> like Aveda and other health/beauty places but not online. I tried that once
> and all of the product was kinda old and not at all what I expected. I also
> don't ever buy clothes online. I only buy clothes from a catalog (mail
> order) if it's a replacement for something I know fits me already. Same
> thing w/beauty stuff. I want to be able to smell the perfume, try on the
> lotion and all that. You can't do that online.
> However, I do shop for computer stuff online. The system I have now, I got
> online. I also LOVE to buy airplane tickets online. It's my preferred
> method. I no doubt do the same w/hotel reservations if I had to (usually I
> travel to visit family and don't stay in a hotel since I stay at their
> house). 
> So my "girly" purchases are only done via the brick'n'mortar (OK sometimes
> mail order but not too often) avenue. My "guyish" purchases are done online.
> Guess I can't be a chick according to the survey huh?
> Robyn
> -- Begin original message --
> > "Men are more information processors. They want the facts, the
> > information and the details...Women are more experiential. They tend not
> > to process as much information."
> > 
> > Robyn, Hannah...do we really not process information?
> > 
> > http://www.cnnfn.com/2000/04/19/life/q_buying/
> > ************************************************
> > Lisa Potter
> > School of Information and Library Science
> > University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
> > Chapel Hill, NC  27599
> > 
> > 
> -- End original message --