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Computing and gender

I think my experiences with computing and gender have been different from 
most.  I have had more female than male bosses, including the presidents of 
the two software companies I have worked for. The branch mangager for Keane, 
RTP, where I last worked, is a woman - she spoke here last semester.  On my 
last project team, I had 10 women and 8 men, 11 US born, 7 foriegn.  I just 
signed up a female partner to help me finish the next distribution of my 
search engine.

I had never heard any attention given to gender until I came to school here 
- Sonnenwald brought it up, but now that I look around, it's true in many 
places.  It's completely ludicrous to even consider gender in computing.  
It's an entirely analytical discipline, and it really isn't subject to 
anybody's opinion whether your program runs or abends.  The industry has so 
much work, and needs people so badly, that everybody ought to be welcome at 
all levels.  The idea of one sex having a genetic advantage, I can say from 
experience is just baseless.

I think you ought to politely or impolitely ignore anyone who thinks there 
is a difference and just go for it.
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