
Re: Why it's set at 55 m.p.h...

In article <3m1u1q$952@clarknet.clark.net>,
Jonathan Hazzard <thonhazz@clark.net> wrote:
}Matthew Russotto (russotto@wanda.pond.com) wrote:
}: Based on a recent trip, my car has a "plateau" in gas mileage between
}: about 65mph and 85mph.  I got a little over 30mpg on each tank of
}: regular (non reformulated) gas I took at those speeds.  When I tried
}: to maintain just over 90 mph, it dropped sharply to about 25mpg.  So I
}: don't buy the gasoline argument.  I didn't hit anything, nor even come close,
}: during the entire 1600+ miles, so I'm not so sure about the safety
}: argument either.

}   There was a LONG thread about this a few months back.  Basically, 
}ideal gas mileage depends on the particular car one is driving.  I 
}guarantee you that you will get better mileage at 55 than at 65 and 
}you may do better around 45.  Alot of people theorized that 10 mph would 
}be best, or 21, or whatever.  Fact of the matter is that your best 
}mileage will be at the optimum engine speed for your car, if you negate 
}factors like wind, road surface, and hills.  Try it.

What is the optimum engine speed for my car?  Torque peak is way up
over 5000rpms, HP peak higher than that.  At 80mph in 5th it's running
between 4000 and 4100 rpms.  By 90mph in 5th, air resistance is
certainly a major factor. 
