
Re: Cops: Can't Live With Them, Can't Live Without Them

In article <3nai5t$fcg@ionews.io.org> mdfreed@io.org (Mark Freedman) writes:
>From: mdfreed@io.org (Mark Freedman)
>Subject: Re: Cops:  Can't Live With Them, Can't Live Without Them
>Date: 22 Apr 1995 05:27:25 -0400

>   I question its contribution to safety, at least as (ab)used in Ontario.
>I've seen some amazing evasive action (brake hard and swerve) taken when
>people spot the radar van hidden behind the bridge abutment.

>   mdfreed@io.org   Mark Freedman (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

I guess you have heard that photoradar is thinking of taking pictures
from the front too now, and not just the rear..  They are looking for
different variety to see which will generate the most tickets.
If I'm driving down 401 East, and a van facing me, emitts that bright
light in my eyes, I will be tempted to side-swipe the van causing an
accident so that it will be written up in the papers, on the news,
and maybe the government will say "Uh, maybe we should take another
look at the safety issue".
How about pulling over to the shoulder when your car isn't working
<headlight problem> and plowing into the back of the photo radar van?
Soon enough, it will cause a big problem that the government will have
to take a look at the real situation and not all the green $$$$
photo radar represents.

E-Mail: bailiff@pz.timber.com <Shiloh Costa>
   WWW: http://www.io.org/~magic/samfox.html (Samantha Fox Home Page)
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