
Re: Cops: Can't Live With Them, Can't Live Without Them

Alex D Rodriguez (adr5@sawasdee.cc.columbia.edu) wrote:
: >How do you know where they are going, or what they are doing, are you psychic?
: >I don't see how an Emergency Vehicle can make an "illegal turn," or speed
: >for that matter. Emergency Vehicles are exempt from most traffic
: >regulations, with the stipulation that the driver uses "reasonable care"
: >not to endanger others.

: If an emergency vehicle is not responding to an emergency, lights on, then 
: they have to obey the same rules everyone else does.  That's how an emergency
: vehicle can do all thoes illegal things.  Your response explains why we see
: so many cops breaking the law.  You either don't know, or don'twant to know,
: the law.  The law only applies when it is convenient for you.

At least or 'freind' with the badge has admitted what I've suspected for 
some time:  Cops are above the law.  Deal with it.

This morning, as I walked from the parking garage to the New Carrollton 
Metro station, I noticed a Maryland state police officer driving along 
the bus-only lane.  He pulled to the curb, his wife/significant other 
gave him a quick kiss, and she walked into the train station along with 
the rest of us slobs.  A big deal?  No. Responding to an emergency?  Ha. 
Do I like it?  No.  Will such attitudes ever, ever change?  Nope.

It happens 100,00 times a day, from speeding, to illegal turns, to 
parking in the handicap spots; cops can do whatever they please on the 

Hmm. If I had impunity, maybe I would too...


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