
Re: Cops: Can't Live With Them, Can't Live Without Them

 Mark Bentley (bentley@access5.digex.net) wrote:

> : At least or 'freind' with the badge has admitted what I've suspected for 
> : some time:  Cops are above the law.  Deal with it.

I didn't say ABOVE the law. I said that while on duty they are EXEMPTED.
There's a BIG difference. Exempted is legislated permission. Above is something
else entirely, that implies were geting away with something, we're not 

In article <D7KHxr.IBJ@liii.com>, iguana@pine.liii.com <David B. Feig> wrote:
> Well, we all knew this.  But it's disgusting when police  -- 
> well, at least this one --patronize us about the "dangers" of our driving 
> 65 in a 55

I'm sorry if I sounded patronizing, It wasn't meant that way, not that I'm
apologizing for what I said, just the way I said it. My attempt was to 
show that a simple thing like speeding can cause tragedies (like the one's
I've personally suffered) that are not readily considered by those
committing such a casual, and socially accepted act as speeding. Also,
after sufferring these tragedies, I was not entirely amused with the
*attitude* of some of the folks here towards speeding or police. In fact I
was offended.

>(as soon as you exceed the speed limit, your car bursts into
> flames because of wind resistance, thus causing billions of deaths each year)

*Cute*   *giggle*

> , while they flaunt ALL traffic/driving laws as casually as easily as they
> down giant mugs of coffee,

I've never understood the publics pre-occupation, and source of amusement
concerning cops, coffee, and of course donuts! Is it some sort of jealousy
concerning the fact that donuts are the best food on earth, coffee is the
nectar of the gods, and cops generally get them both for free? (Burger
King too!) *grin*   Besides, what the hell else is open at 4:00 am!:)

> and justify it by saying they have "Specialized
> driving training".  This is just crap.

It's not "crap," it's the truth.
> Hell, I would speed too, if I could get away with it, but I wouldn't be
> as sanctimonious about being a tax collector with a glock.

I didn't mean (nor do I think) I came off as "sanctimonious." And I have yet
to hear of a cop who as ever shot someone for not paying a traffic ticket.


 Jamie-Andrea Yanak    **   A pretty girl is an accident.
    CYBER-VIXEN        **   A beautifull woman is an accomplishment.
<jamieyanak@oai.org>   **      **             **             **

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