
Re: Cops: Can't Live With Them, Can't Live Without Them

In article <3nqm17$qms@spruce.citicorp.com>, al.devere@citicorp.com wrote:

> No sometimes they are responding to an incident, most times they are 
> not.

I really take exception to MOST. Lets compromise, I'll let you have...oh,
lets say...every once in awhile, how does that sound?

> COPs should not be above the law, they should set the example.

I couldn't agree with you more on that.

> As I said in an earlier post, the police are poorly thought
> of by the general public because they are seen enforcing laws that the
> public does not want and that they don't follow.

It WOULD be nice if we could ONLY follow the laws we WANT.

Myself, I've always had a big problem w/that Income Tax stuff, not to
mention Marijuana.

And hey! Why is murder illegal, I mean isn't there someone that everybody
wants to kill (Mr. Rogers),...or did I mean, doesn't everybody want to kill
someone?...*(it's hard being blonde sometimes)* 

>I think YOUR problem is like many cops:  You went to school for 1-3
months and >now think that your beter than everyone else, and above the
law.  Well, your >wrong.

I Don't think I'm a better person, but I KNOW I'm a better driver than most.

I know I wasn't above the law, but you gotta understand, when you are the 
law, it becomes kind of an abstract concept sometimes... 

I mean have you ever seen a police car pull over another police car and
give another cop a ticket? (there's a reason for this, think hard)

>Just don't get on my case because you believe that suddenly, because I'm
>driving 56 in a 55, that I'm now a danger to everyone else.

I have NEVER, ever, ever, given a ticket to someone for 1 mph over the 
speed limit. And I would *conditionally* agree that any cop that did was 
being unfair.  I was a cop for 6 years, and never heard of such a thing.
We gave everyone at least 10 mph. This is considered fair, when taking
into account differences in speedometers, hills, passing slower vehicles

(not to mention, heaven forbid, a screwed up radar-gun...*nah, couldn't happen*

Drive Safely Honey's, 


 Jamie-Andrea Yanak    **   A pretty girl is an accident.
    CYBER-VIXEN        **   A beautifull woman is an accomplishment.
<jamieyanak@oai.org>   **      **             **             **

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