
Re: Cops: Can't Live With Them, Can't Live Without Them

>>The cars being made today? You mean these little 4 cylinder tin cans, that
>>blow apart like piniata's when they hit anything. Not to mention the wear
>>and tear on the engine at 85 mph. I'll never let you drive my baby! 

Even the 'tin cans' made today are safer than cars from 10 or 15 years ago in a crash, and they
sure has hell handle *at least* as well.

>>Like what didn't start this whole flame war, was the fact that you guys
>>don't want to follow the easy rules we already have. (they're called speed
>>limits guys).

These rules are easy to follow, but artificially low highway speed limits exist for
revenue enhancement and fuel conservation, the safety aspect is a crock.  You
don't need to drive slowly to drive safely.  People need to pay attention and
know the limits of their machine and their driving ability.

Al Legerlotz          <legerlotz@gigi32.enet.dec.com>
Digital Equipment Corporation

All statements are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions
of Digital Equipment Corporation.
