
Re: Cops: Can't Live With Them, Can't Live Without Them

In article <JamieYanak-0105952030120001@database-mac.oai.org>,
Jamie Yanak <JamieYanak@oai.org> wrote:

>Doing 55 in the left lane illegal? Come on Alex, how can it be illegal to 
>do the posted speed limit...*That's all I'm gonna say on that one,call me 

	It is illegal as one is ignoring several other laws, including
yeilding to passing/faster traffic, and improper use of the passing lane.

>You're forgetting. The guy doing 55 mph (whether he's in the left lane,
>OR right lane) is doing the speed limit. 

	In addition to breaking the law ( just as the one speeding ),
he's also compounding the problem by being a dangerous unattentive
self righteous driver. Next to drunk drivers, they're probably the
most dangerious class out there. [ off duty police officers are a 
subset of this one, m'thinks ].

Please note: This is Keith Ryan posting. Please direct any e-mail
response to either "ar122@freenet.buffalo.edu" or "kmr4@po.cwru.edu"

Any typographical or grammatical errors are due to the evil news
machine mulching my post ;)
