
Re: Cops: Can't Live With Them, Can't Live Without Them

In article <3o5kou$fbh@apakabar.cc.columbia.edu>,
adr5@namaste.cc.columbia.edu (Alex D Rodriguez) wrote:
>If you think 85mph is too much wear and tear on your car, then you must
have a >pretty sad car. :(  Get a real car where 85mph is just fine and

I HAVE a REAL car, thank you. It's a very nice Chevy Lumina. But this
comment shows where some of this arguement is coming from, from you guys,
"get a real 
car," (mine is bigger than yours...get a grip, sure it is, I'm a woman I
don't even have one!)

> Check the law books.  It clearly states that the left lane is meant for 
> passing, not for cruising.  I see the signs on the NJ roads I drive on that
> says "NJ law.  Keep right, pass left".  That means that if the right lane
> is not occupied, you are breaking the law by driving 55 in the left lane.
> It's pretty sad when I have to explain the law to someone who is supposed to
> be enforcing the law.

Okay, I stand corrected on this point, I'm not familiar with New Jersey
Law. This is not a law where I live, and it wasn't when I was a police officer.

However, if the speed limit is 55, and you are passing someone who is
doing 55, YOU are still breaking the law TOO. Passing, like I said is for
going around vehicles that are unable to maintain the speed "LIMIT." I
emphasize the word
"limit," because that's what it is, the upper acceptable speed, NOT the required
speed on the highway.

> Brake test all you want.

I don't do things like that. (remember, I'm the one advocating safe driving)
But there's plenty of people on the road who will.

>I find the idiots who won't move over are also the ones who are scared to
use >either pedal with any force.  They won't step on the brake hard
becuase it >might wear out faster.  They won't step on the gas because the
engine will wear >out faster.

I don't agree. From my observations, it's guys playing macho games w/their
cars. (I will admit that some women seem to have a lot more testosterone
too these days though!) 

>Next time a police cruiser tailgates me, I should do a brake test.  Let's
see >what happens then.

What will probably happen will be: You'll get a ticket for "Failure to Avoid
an Accident." Or, "Reckless Operation." Or, if the cops mad enough to really
try out the skills of the city prosecutor's office: You can maybe be charged 
with: "Attempted Vehicular Assualt," and if you manage to cause an
accident it could even be "Assaulting a Police Officer," and or, "Assualt
w/a Motor Vehicle." If convicted of one of the later two, they are
probably felonies
in New Jersey (they are here) and you can spend a year in jail, and lose
your drivers license.


 Jamie-Andrea Yanak    **   A pretty girl is an accident.
    CYBER-VIXEN        **   A beautifull woman is an accomplishment.
<jamieyanak@oai.org>   **      **             **             **

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