
Re: Cops: Can't Live With Them, Can't Live Without Them

Organization: Long Island Information, Inc.  (516-248-5381)

Jamie Yanak (JamieYanak@oai.org) wrote:

: The cars being made today? You mean these little 4 cylinder tin cans, that
: blow apart like piniata's when they hit anything. Not to mention the wear
: and tear on the engine at 85 mph. I'll never let you drive my baby! 

Ever been to Europe? I guess not.  You'd be surprised what can do 85
all day.

:> I agree with you that large speed differences can cause problems.BUT, they
: > are not insurmountable.  Enforcing some basic rules is all it takes. 
: >Left lane
: > for passing only and no passing on the right.  Easy rules to follow and 
: > remember.

: Easy rules to follow and remember, huh...*very sardonic grin*
: Like what didn't start this whole flame war, was the fact that you guys
: don't want to follow the easy rules we already have. (they're called speed
: limits guys).

Jaime, I know you're from a different planet from the rest of us, a planet
where everyone drives 55, spells poorly and has poor grammar.  

But _most_ people speed here on Earth and yet still manage to obey
most of the other traffic laws, like stopping at red lights and going at 
green.  They speed reasonably because speeding laws are unfair.

: But of course you'll follow these other NEW rules;)

: > If the people who want to go 55 stayed in the right lane, where they are 
: > supposed to be, then other people wouldn't be forced to work their way around
: > them.  Going 55 in the left lane is illegal, in some states at least.  So 
: > those people are not obeying the law!  They are being selfish.

: Well,...Most of the interstates around me, have 40mph as the minimum.
: Meaning you can legally do 40 mph on the highway. This means that all the 
: people (in that right lane of yours) that get stuck behind a truck
: that's trying to go up a hill should drive on the berm, instead of getting in
: your way...*uh, huh* 
: Doing 55 in the left lane illegal? Come on Alex, how can it be illegal to 
: do the posted speed limit...*That's all I'm gonna say on that one,call me 
: mercifull*

Are you being merciful or just stupid?  You're pretty ignorant of the law
for a former officer.  First of all, in some states it IS illegal to use
the left lane for anything other than passing.  Maybe where he is, the
roads have a 65 mph limit. Thus, they should 
get out of the way of someone doing 55.

: Were they're suppossed to be?...*giggle  From now on I will always refer to
: the left lane: as the Alex D. Rodriguez Lane...*cross my heart* 

okay try "where" there and remember this when you say you're not patronizing

: >If he still doesn't move then I 
: > will try flashing and if that fails then I will pass in the quickeset, safest
: > way possible.  Many times this means I am forced to pass in the right lane.

: You're forgetting. The guy doing 55 mph (whether he's in the left lane,
: OR right lane) is doing the speed limit. 

In some places.  If it is a passing only lane, eh should  get out of the way.

: I think it's kind of caddy for you to blame him for not allowing you to
: easily break the law. If you got into an accident in such a situation, I
: hope it 
: wouldn't be they're fault.

It's not up to citizens to enforce traffic laws.  When possible, it is only
polite to get out of the way of someone who wants to pass you.

: J Y

: *********************************************************************
:  Jamie-Andrea Yanak    **   A pretty girl is an accident.
:     CYBER-VIXEN        **   A beautifull woman is an accomplishment.
: <jamieyanak@oai.org>   **      **             **             **
: *********************************************************************

The quality of mercy is not strained.
