
Re: Cops: Can't Live With Them, Can't Live Without Them

Jamie Yanak (JamieYanak@oai.org) wrote:
: In article <D7yu26.IrE@liii.com>, iguana@pine.liii.com (David B. Feig) wrote:

: > Are you being merciful or just stupid?  You're pretty ignorant of the law
: > for a former officer.

: *Hummphh*... I suppose I'm supposed to keep up after 12 years,  w/all the
: traffic regulations in the 51 States, and Canada...*Right*

You should keep up on "the law" if you're going to lecture us about it.

: >First of all, in some states it IS illegal to use
: > the left lane for anything other than passing.  Maybe where he is, the
: > roads have a 65 mph limit.

: I'm not going to say this isn't so, but it wasn't in the state I worked
: in, and isn't in the state I live now. The only thing along this line I'm
: familiar w/is in Illinois, where TRUCKS must stay in the right lane except
: for passing.

Well, you learn something new every day.  Perhaps eventually this will 
include spelling.

: The roads where I live, have a 65 mph limit in certain area's too.  "Speed
: Limit" means "maximum allowable speed." In other words people are not
: "obliged" to get out of your way, they are also not obliged to do 65.

: Since your so up on the law, I'm sure you're aware of the concept of
: "speed appropriate to road conditions?"

: This means that you are incorrect doing even 55, if the road condition,
: "reasonably" warrants a slower speed. This is of course used generally
: only when a wreck is caused. It is almost impossible to cite for
: otherwise, and stand up in court, because it is relative to the skill of
: the driver in question/opinion of the officer.  My purpose bringing it up
: is to point out that this gives people the right NOT to do 65, or whatever
: the maximum posted is. It also means that you, climbing up on someone's
: bumper, because they won't get out of your way, are wrong. You can get a

Who is climbing up on anyone's bumper?  The whole point here is driving
at a speed reasonable to road conditions -- which sometimes allows
more than 55, sometimes less.

And of course people can drive lower than the speed limit if they so 
desire ; they should simply try to stay in a lane where it will not
unfairly inconvenience other drivers who feel comfortable and safe driving
at a higher rate of speed.

: ticket: "assured clear distance." Again, this one too is generally only
: cited after an accident. 

: As for me being "ignorant of the law," I don't doubt it so in some cases.
: You however, are the typical "Amateur Laywer," it was always such a joy to
: deal with, and be "enlightened" by the likes of your kind as to "the law."

What would my kind be?  How do you know I am an amateur?

: >If it is a passing only lane, he should  get out of the way.

: I see...*blazing light shining from heaven upon me*...It's AGAINST the law
: for the guy in the left lane to stay there, but it's okay for YOU to do 
: 65 mph, even though the speed limit is 55 mph.  You talk about cops thinking
: they're above the law? What you just stated here is nothing less than
: arrogant.  

Nah, you just don't pay attention.  We were talking about a hypothetical
65 mph limit here, or at least I was.  Who knows what you're talking about.

: If your response is to deny that, I must inform you that the state in
: which I live's voters did just that, and made some highways 65. We did
: this in defiance of the Federal Government, and lost valuable Highway
: Funds over it. (Ohio)

Bully for you.

: >When possible, it is only polite to get out of the way of someone who
: wants to pass you.

: ....polite?...Polite?....POLITE?...Now, were going to talk about what's 
: polite?.....Puh, lease!

: Is it polite to ride up on someone's rear end, flash your lights at them,
: ( oh, and by the way, are you one of those guys that blows the horn, and
: flips the bird to people who finally you do get around when they're in
: your way?) is that polite? Speeding itself is NOT polite, you are
: endangering other people on the road w/out their permission, it's
: impolite, it's anti-social, it's immature,
: it's selfish.

Naturally, there are polite and impolite ways of doing everything.  You're
probably only associated with the latter, you being who and what you are.
If someone wants to pass me, I let them pass.  It's much smarter (a new
concept to you I am sure) to let them pass on the left rather than
being stubborn and rude and making them pass on the right, which is not 
as safe.

: Or how about this?...Is it polite to make that poor police officer get out on
: the highway in the rain, to write you a ticket?...Just kidding, I know
: you'd enjoy that:)

: Polite would be to just follow the law like everyone else, and if there's 

Oh that's right, in your world no one speeds aside from reckless 
maniacs.  I would take a look at , say, any highway anywhere in the U.S.

: Neither is ignorance, IT FALLS as if a God given right from some.

I agree, you ought to pay attention more and know what you're talking
about before you post.  Maybe next time you can do a little better.

: J Y

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