
Re: Caught Speeding!

In article <3ouupu$si6@phakt.usc.edu> jtu@phakt.usc.edu (Jimmy Tu) writes:

   >  Cop: "This is one of my two favorite cars.  I'm not saying you
   >        should, but if you want to speed, you should go to a deserted
   >        highway, not here."
   >  Me : "Yes, I'll be more careful, Officer."
   >  Cop: "Okay, drive safely."
   >  Me : "Thank you, Officer."

   >He let me go!

   Your lucky he liked your car. Which reminds me of another post
   on r.a.d of a guy in a M3 getting past a ticket. Gez...
   These police officers sure do appricate fine cars. =)
   Jimmy Tu                          | Internet: jtu@usc.edu
yeah, while I get a $90 ticket and 4 points on my license for doing 85
in a 55 mph highway in an escort.  life is sure unfair.
Sahir N. Siddiqui         Res: (201) 217-0952
S-1351 Castle Point Station, Hoboken NJ 07030              ))))
Email:	sahirns@menger.eecs.stevens-tech.edu              :_/
