
Re: Caught Speeding!

In article <3ouupu$si6@phakt.usc.edu>, Jimmy Tu <jtu@phakt.usc.edu> wrote:
>bryan@yanomamo.scp.caltech.edu (Bryan Chow) writes:
>Were you going down Los Robles?
>There's tons of signs on that road, speed limit enforced by radar,
>some wierd sign that says special enforcement area with a yellow light
>flashin on top, and the Pasadena favorite, Smile, Speed enforced
>by photo radar.

No, but I drive on Los Robles almost everyday too.  As far as I know,
those signs are bogus.  I'm usually above (sometimes WAY above) the
limit and have never been ticketed.  And you cannot be ticketed solely
by a machine in California.

>>  Cop: "This is one of my two favorite cars.  I'm not saying you
>>        should, but if you want to speed, you should go to a deserted
>>        highway, not here."
>>  Me : "Yes, I'll be more careful, Officer."
>>  Cop: "Okay, drive safely."
>>  Me : "Thank you, Officer."
>>He let me go!
>Your lucky he liked your car. Which reminds me of another post
>on r.a.d of a guy in a M3 getting past a ticket. Gez...
>These police officers sure do appricate fine cars. =)

I heard a good one on the exotic cars list.  Someone on it was buying
a Ferrari 308 and went for a test drive with the owner of the car.  The
owner just sped to 110 mph when they saw a cop.  They were stopped, did
not have license OR registration, but the amused and smiling cop simply
said "Gentleman, have a nice day!" and let them go!


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