
Re: Question for Speeders

I speed all the time, I get annoyed when I have to go slow. I have never
gotten a ticket, nor been stopped by a cop, and I am eighteen. I have heard
that cops tend to go after the more reckless speeders. This would make
sense to me, instead of going after everyone who speeds period, no matter
how well they drive.
Then again, I don't know, don't know any cops, and I don't know what
their views on who they stop are, this is just something I heard.

Scott Nguyen (yhn1@acpub.duke.edu) wrote: : Hey all....

:          I was wondering how many of you who actually consider yourselves 
: speeders have gotten tickets..  speeder=one who can't seem to keep 
: his/her car within 15 miles of the speed limit.  I hear that speed 
: enforcement is a joke in USA, i.e.-they ticket when they feel like it..  
: I drive relatively fast (averaged 78 on a 6 hour trip from Atlanta to 
: Raleigh) and have never gotten a ticket..  I was wondering if this was 
: the same with all of you out there who seem to have lead-foot...

      |\      _,,,---,,_		Tigress
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_ 		gt3220a@prism.gatech.edu
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