
Re: Question for Speeders

Scott Nguyen <yhn1@acpub.duke.edu> writes:

>Hey all....

>         I was wondering how many of you who actually consider yourselves 
>speeders have gotten tickets..  speeder=one who can't seem to keep 
>his/her car within 15 miles of the speed limit.  I hear that speed 
>enforcement is a joke in USA, i.e.-they ticket when they feel like it..  
>I drive relatively fast (averaged 78 on a 6 hour trip from Atlanta to 
>Raleigh) and have never gotten a ticket..  I was wondering if this was 
>the same with all of you out there who seem to have lead-foot...

Well in Atlanta the story is this. if you are riding with the traffic
flow chances are you're not gonna get stopped. But if you fly-by everybody
else some policeman is going to notice you. When speeding BE SURE to 
check your mirror quite often, because they will pace you instead of using
a radar. In my years of speeding (>15mph over) I have averaged 1 ticket
per year, and none on the freeway. Not to say I havent come close, but
so far so good. If you do get caught expect to pay from $75 to $300.
Also if caught going >25mph over you are liable to go to jail.

Drive fast, but exert caution also. I usually enjoy accelerating more than
speeding. On the highway the radar-detector is essential since it will
give you at least 1 mile warning.

Oh, about your question. The tickets I have are all from small back-roads
where I didn;t have the detector on, and was going exactly 15 over.

without the detector my speeding butt would have ended up in jail 
pleanty of times.


PS. at least i get to drive in europe every now and then, where the
road is the limit, and not the law.

IANNIS ALEXIOU / gt4495c@prism.gatech.edu 
School of Mechanical Engineering  |'56 Land-Rover 2.0 |'74 Mini-cooper 1.3
Computational Multi-body Dynamics.|'90 Civic DX   1.5 |'94 Integra GSR 1.8

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