
Re: Interstate Highways that should have driver discretion speed limits

kbagdon (kbagdon@nando.net) wrote:
: Now that we have beeten to death the Personal Land Speed Records, lets
: discuss the Interstate Highways that should have driver discretion speed
: limits.

: My contribution - Florida Turnpike [sic], south of Orlando, in the
: '50 mile next exit' stretch...

Of course, technically, Florida's Turnpike (the official name, BTW)
isn't even an Interstate Highway like the other big North/South
expressways in Floriday (I-95 and I-75).  But I do remember one of
my childhood friends who had just returned from a vacation in Florida
telling me that the Turnpike's speed limit at the time (early 1970s)
was 80 mph.  Any old timers want to confirm or deny?

Bob Goudreau			Data General Corporation
goudreau@dg-rtp.dg.com		62 Alexander Drive	
+1 919 248 6231			Research Triangle Park, NC  27709, USA
