
Re: Interstate Highways that should have driver discretion speed limits

I forgot to tell what this desolate wasteland ribbon of road is. It is
I-26. Four lanes of sheer boredom and anticipation of the beach.
Scott Kirkham <kirkham@utkvx.utk.edu> wrote:
>There is a stretch of forlorn highway between Columbia, SC and 
>Charleston, SC that just begs to be driven fast. You can see for miles 
>and the traffic is usually acceptably light. Had my truck up to about 95 
>or so through there, but a 95 Ram 4X4 gets a little scary when you get 
>up into triple digits. I'll stick to the Lexus for fast flying through
>this piece of dragstrip. It really needs discretionary speed limits so I
>don't have to listen to the CB, scanner, and radar detector all at the
>same time. But until such time, I will look and listen and keep it 
>hammer down!
>Scott Kirkham
