
Re: Comments from Mr. Traffic

In article <3vmtgv$dcf@news-e1a.megaweb.com>,
KENNY MORSE <kennystar@megaweb.com> wrote:
>you start turning blue...remember...I am FOR raising the speed limit from

And you're also for aggressively prosecuting people who exceed what _you_
think is a reasonable speed limit.

>Wrong again....the Elite do NOT make you a lawbreaker.....YOU DO! Ever
>hearof personal responsibility?? An abberation in 1995!

If the elite passed a law outlawing having brown hair, I'd be making
myself a lawbreaker if I refused to dye my hair. If I pump my own
gas in Oregon, I make myself a lawbreaker. There are such things as
stupid laws, and it's perfectly within my moral (not legal) rights
to break stupid laws.

Adam Villani
"I was in this prematurely air-conditioned supermarket..."

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