
Re: Comments from Mr. Traffic

In article <3vnaan$3ah@gap.cco.caltech.edu> Adam Neil Villani wrote:
>In article <3vmtgv$dcf@news-e1a.megaweb.com>,
>KENNY MORSE <kennystar@megaweb.com> wrote:
>>you start turning blue...remember...I am FOR raising the speed limit from
>And you're also for aggressively prosecuting people who exceed what _you_
>think is a reasonable speed limit.

No......I am for aggressively prosecuting people who break the law, after it has
been raised.  If YOU or anyone else thinks that a raise to 65 is unreasonable...
YAP AT THEM.....not at me.  Do something. Jeez.
>>Wrong again....the Elite do NOT make you a lawbreaker.....YOU DO! Ever
>>hearof personal responsibility?? An abberation in 1995!
>If the elite passed a law outlawing having brown hair, I'd be making
>myself a lawbreaker if I refused to dye my hair. If I pump my own
>gas in Oregon, I make myself a lawbreaker. There are such things as
>stupid laws, and it's perfectly within my moral (not legal) rights
>to break stupid laws.

You're right Adam.  There ARE some stupid laws on the books, and
people have been civily disobeying them for decades.  Many people
have succeeded in getting them OFF the book by their activism.
Stop whining about what you consider stupid.....work to get
what YOU think is reasonable, or don't...get caught and pay the
piper (and them spend 8 hours in My class, or one like mine).
But...one thing you DID say....if they pass a law outlawing dying your
hair, and then you do...at least take responsibility for your action in
defying it.  Its a BAD analogy you used, but hey, I like a...I'll work
with ya.

Kenny Morse
"Mr. Traffic"
responding to>
>-- >Adam Villani
>"I was in this prematurely air-conditioned supermarket..."
