
Re: driver's ed. is a joke

In article <3ubr2o$ics@khis_news.khis.kodak.com>,
Robert King <king@khis.com> wrote:
}In article Fpr@pgh.nauticom.net, video@3DRESEARCH.nauticom.net (jd) writes:
}>In article <3u9mgf$11u@ixnews5.ix.netcom.com>
}>lily1@ix.netcom.com (J. Hale ) writes:
}>> How can we even think of raising the speed limits to a reasonable level
}>> with the current lack of skill displayed by most drivers on the road
}>> today?  It seems to me that the whole driver's training system needs to
}>> be revamped and all who are currently licensed need to be recertified
}>> under more strict regulations before any other changes to driving laws.
}>>  It's just too damned easy to get a license in this country.  Opinions?
}>>  Comments?
}>I don't think we should expect that the 'system' (any system) could
}>prevent unskilled, irresponsible and lousy drivers on the road.
}   On which road?  If I own a road, (racetrack, whatever,)  I have a
}perfect right to demand anyone using it to show me proof of competence
}before I let them on it.  The Government has that same right.  Driving
}on public roads is a previlidge extended to us by our government.

No, it isn't.  It is something which was perfectly legal for anyone to
do until about 1/3rd of the way into the 20th century, when
governments used the unfamiliarity of the motor vehicle as an excuse
to make driving illegal and provide exceptions for those who jump
through the aproporiate government hoops.

}   I agree.  It would be nice (although impractical at present,) to have
}limited access roadways (like a tollway,) that would have essentially
}unlimited driving speeds (an American Autobahn, if you will.) 

We've got THOSE now-- its just illegal.