

As a the most visible traffic school teacher in California (via my TV and radio appearances both 
local and national), any assertion, or study that says that people WON'T go 10-15 above any 
speed limit sign, flies in the face of reality.

I've been teaching traffic violators for 8 years, and talking to them on the air for 5.  Humbly.....I'M 
the guy who hears what happens to the majority of people who get tickets, in one forum or another. 
 It is absolute human nature of this time and space in which we live to do this behavior.  Everyone 
speeds because they believe they have a RIGHT to do it if they feel it's personally safe to do it.  It's 
like the people who use the Carpool (HOV) lane illegally because they are late and it's the only lane 
moving.  THEIR need is the operative one...NOT the law.

I TOTALLY reject any study as flawed and self-interested that asserts that people will not speed 
with higher speed limits in place.  They do...they will.  I teach 300 people a week who confirm this.

Let me repeat ONCE AGAIN....I am FOR raising the speed limit to 65...and enforcing it as 65.

We will be discussing this issue on my WWW site (if I can ever get it finished!!!) I'll keep y'all 

Mr. Traffic
