

In article <3uouum$4pc@news-e1a.megaweb.com>,
MR. TRAFFIC) <kennystar@megaweb.com> wrote:
>As a the most visible traffic school teacher in California (via my TV and radio appearances both 
>local and national), any assertion, or study that says that people WON'T go 10-15 above any 
>speed limit sign, flies in the face of reality.

Look, buddy, just because you're somewhat famous doesn't mean you're right.
Personally, I've never heard of you before I saw you on the net. What TV/radio
stations are you on in LA? 

>I've been teaching traffic violators for 8 years, and talking to them on the air for 5.  Humbly.....I'M 
>the guy who hears what happens to the majority of people who get tickets, in one forum or another. 
> It is absolute human nature of this time and space in which we live to do this behavior.  Everyone 
>speeds because they believe they have a RIGHT to do it if they feel it's personally safe to do it.  It's 
>like the people who use the Carpool (HOV) lane illegally because they are late and it's the only lane 
>moving.  THEIR need is the operative one...NOT the law.

So what does that have to do with raising the limit to 75? NOTHING! Have 
any of the people you've seen been stopped for doing 90 in a 75 zone? No!
Because there are no 75 zones in the U.S. Your entire post is conjecture.
People don't speed for the sake of exceeding the speed limits; they speed
because they like to go at the speed they like to go, which in many cases
is above the speed limit.

>I TOTALLY reject any study as flawed and self-interested that asserts that people will not speed 
>with higher speed limits in place.  They do...they will.  I teach 300 people a week who confirm this.

How do they confirm it? Have these people been caught doing 90 in a 75 zone?
No! Have you ever taken a class in logic, or done anything scientific? Have
you even taken a look at the study they've cited? Did you know that the
study was commissioned by the U.S. government, for Chrissakes? I didn't
think so! Just because you see 300 people a week doesn't mean a thing.
It doesn't mean you've looked at the situation in any sort of reasonable

Read the damn study and then come up with a good reason to refute it.
You're just blowing hot air. I work in the media; just because you say
it the loudest doesn't mean you're right.

>Mr. Traffic

Adam Villani
"I was in this prematurely air-conditioned supermarket..."

Follow-Ups: References: