

In article <3uq28t$f09@news-e1a.megaweb.com>,
KENNY MORSE <kennystar@megaweb.com> wrote:
>Since there are no posted limits over 65...I can only tell you what drivers 
>do at THAT max!  They go 10-15 over.

Yes at that make try setting at at 75 or none and your find the 85th 
percentile speed will we 75-80.  It will not be 85-90.  A federal study 
done behore the band estamitites shows that 85th percentile speeds are 
around 77 on no speedlimit freeways.

>>>Do you, Mr. Traffic, really know these roads better than
>>the engineers who designed them??
>Nope.....only the drivers who use them.
>>You are entitled to your opinions.  I suspect, however, that your
>>well-publicized beliefs are equally based in self-interest... after all,
>>how can a traffic school make any money when drivers are no longer
>>ticketed for safe and reasonable speeds?
>Since I am not the owner of the school....I make the same $$$ 
>if I have ONE person in class or 100.  Also, it is NOT the main source 
>of my income....my work in the media is.  I am NOT interested in 
>people being ticketed at all.  Quite the opposite...I wish EVERYONE 
>would respect the law...and if they think the law should be changed
....DO IT!!!! 
>But since way too many people don't even vote, good luck!  Everybody
>bitches...but nobody does anything about it!
May I point out that that study is done my the FEDERAL GOVERMENT and it 
took over 5 years to coplete.  This is a fully complete study that is 
unbiast in every way.  It was so unbiast the the Fedral giverment TRIED 
TO berry it.

* Kevin Atkinson, Clarknet I'net Serv., Maintainer of the Usenet Info Center *
*     Finger usenet-i@clark.net for more info on Usenet Info Center.         *
*    Or send mail to usenet-i@clark.net  with a subject line of HELP.        *
*  This is in its beginning stages and I could use any help I could get!     *
