

>I'm sorry that you live in such a world; remind me not to go there. In my
>world people are self-interested, but not to such an extent that they go
>out of their way to cause harm to others. People speed because they like
>to go at the fastest speed at which they feel safe. There are a few bad apples
>who will speed at any limit, and these are the ones sensible speed laws
>would target. Remember that everyone you see in traffic school was caught
>for a traffic violation; while they're not all bad drivers, this situation
>would certainly select for more aggressive, less attentive, and generally
>worse drivers than the population as a whole.
>Once again, PLEASE READ THE STUDY before you criticize it further.

Adam...I WILL read the study.

As for YOUR world being different than mine....I think not.  I said NOTHING about
people going out of their way to harm each other.  I said "me first.....".  I SPEED.
I go 62. I break California VC 22349. WHY? Because I believe it to be the safest
speed I can go, since 55 will get ya killed.  Your assertion that people speed
because it is where THEY feel safe is that of a minimalist.  One of the questions
I ask EVERY class I teach is if their speeding ticket had anything to do with
the fact that they were "in a hurry".  Well over 75-80% of them raise their
hands.  This is "my needs" over yours.  As I say...if people were better
educated re: driving, and they would ALL do the same speed, I would not
see the problem.  I come from New York State where I used to do 75
on the New York State Thruway legally in my Vette.  BUT, since we have
a HUGE problem here in California with tailgaiters, and weavers, and illegal
people in the state with no license, no training, no insurance, etc,
we need the chicken to come before the horse in re-rating our speed limits.
>Adam Villani
>"I was in this prematurely air-conditioned supermarket..."

Follow-Ups: References: