

In article <3v28ag$9q8@gap.cco.caltech.edu>,
Adam Neil Villani <addam@cco.caltech.edu> wrote:
>In article <3v1f6b$idk@news-e1a.megaweb.com>,
>KENNY MORSE (the opportunist) <kennystar@megaweb.com> wrote:
>>Well folk........

>But nobody goes to traffic school because one day they woke up and decided
>to keep their driving privilege from being lost. They must first receive
>a ticket. This is the primary form of selecting that your group entails.
>You do not deal with a cross section of all drivers; you deal with a 
>cross-section of drivers who have received a ticket. Using this sample
>to represent all drivers is misleading.
>>I TOTALLY reject any notion that "most" people WILL comply with a speed limit that
>>is set "reasonably" set, as based on fantasy, and selfish self-interest. Until there is
>>a change in the education and atitudes of driver in this country to a mode of COURTESY,
>>RULES OF THE ROAD (which I might add, is SORELY lacking) AND RESPECT 
>>FOR THEM (other than speeding)...then respect for speed laws will loom miniscule.

About them rules of the road...I think people would have more respect for 
the system if they knew just a little bit about the rules of court, the 
evidence code, etc.  Right now what we have is a "cat and mouse" game 
where guys like KENNY MORSE profit.  Of course, KENNY will tell you what 
the law says, but not what it means.

I believe that if people knew how to read well enough to fight traffic 
tickets that police officers would have to go after REAL CRIMINALS with 
guns and knives.  You know, the kind that hurt people.  Most people think 
of the court as an adversary rather than a utility.  If 2% of the 
population getting tickets took the DA to task for the ticket, the courts 
would experience a significant slowdown.  Why, they might have to 
consider alternate forms of flee...I mean revenue.

>>$$$ instead of safety.
>Well, here we agree.

Ditto.  Have a nice time on your next taxpayer funded vacation, KENNY.

>Adam Villani
>"I was in this prematurely air-conditioned supermarket..."

Scott Dunn : scotdun@netcom.com : FOIA/PA researcher, tutor 
"When there is crime in government, there is no justice." --Potato
