

In article <1995Jul24.135035.5852@cmkrnl> Jamie Hanrahan, Kernel Mode Systems wrote:
>In article <3uvgn2$2gt@news-e1a.megaweb.com>, kennystar@megaweb.com 
>(KENNY MORSE) writes:
>> One of the questions
>> I ask EVERY class I teach is if their speeding ticket had anything to do with
>> the fact that they were "in a hurry".  Well over 75-80% of them raise their
>> hands.  
>This is a very biased sample!  It seems to me that drivers "in a
>hurry" are more likely to take obvious risks that get the attention of
>the cops (and hence land in your classes).  
>Also note that choosing to go to traffic school is a form of 
>self-selection.  I don't know the motivations for going to traffic 
>school, so I don't know how this self-selection process would further 
>bias your sample (it already having been biased toward "those who get 
>tickets"), but it seems to me that some additional bias is inevitable 
>I would be very damned careful about drawing conclusions about the 
>general driving public from an informal polling of such a biased 
>	--- Jamie Hanrahan, Kernel Mode Systems, San Diego CA
>Internet: jeh@cmkrnl.com (JH645)  CompuServe: 74140,2055  

Well folk........

Jaime was kind enough to send me the TIGNOR/WARREN study, and,
as I thought, their assertion that "If speed limits were raised to more
realistic levels, would drivers automatically drive 5-10 mph over the
new speed limit as is commonly believed? The answer is no.  Raising
the speed by various amounts up to 15 mph has little or no effect
on speeds over a broad range of road types and speed levels".

This is misleading BULLSHIT.

This is nonsense..... and conclusions WERE drawn in the study that
standing on a highway over 24 hours at 102 sites in 23 states before and
one year after a speed change took place, concluded that "Driver 
compliance with speed limits was poor".

THAT tells you that no matter where and what the speed limit set,
people STILL did NOT comply.  THAT is EXACTLY my experience
for the past 8 years.  The study as written, contradicts it's own conclusions.

I do NOT measure THAT they speed....I measure WHY they speed in
my classes.  Jaime says that my "sample" is biased and doesn't reflect
anything significant.  That TOO is nonesence (respectfully, Jaime).
The reasons people go to Traffic School is twofold: 1)To keep the
driving privledge from being lost and 2)To keep the insurance company
from finding out about it.

My classes are based in honesty and forthrightness.  My teaching methods
allow the students to feel comfortable enough with me to tell me EXACTLY
why they did what they did.  They tell me about their DUI's....their
accidents....whether they believe they were deserving of the ticket or not.
(The majority say "They deserved it!)
When I say that the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of my hundred's of 
thousands of students, and people I have talked to
on my radio and TV live call in shows (and I am being modest with THAT figure),
have told me that they got their tickets because of a basic "I have to do what I have to
do" attitude, which has LITTLE to do with their beliefs that speed laws are
artifically and poorly set, which I believe that, at this point in time....THEY ARE...
I say I believe them.

You all are arguing with me about facts and figures, and I am trying to hip
y'all to human behavior.  You just don't want to believe it because YOU
WANT TO SPEED!  You rationalize your desire to go faster with the "well,
62 is "sleepy" and I don't enjoy going that speed, or other such arguments.
Well.....since my first 5 cars were Vettes, I can say, hey I like going fast too. Feels
great.  But, unfortunately, since the "bad apples" spoil it for the "good drivers" who
possible could handle higher speeds with no consequence, we will have to consider
what is good for the most, instead of the some.

I TOTALLY reject any notion that "most" people WILL comply with a speed limit that
is set "reasonably" set, as based on fantasy, and selfish self-interest. Until there is
a change in the education and atitudes of driver in this country to a mode of COURTESY,
RULES OF THE ROAD (which I might add, is SORELY lacking) AND RESPECT 
FOR THEM (other than speeding)...then respect for speed laws will loom miniscule.

I wish it wasn't so. I wish we had the German model of training and respect for the rules
and each other.  But since any fool with $12 can get a drivers licence here in California,
and all the illegals are driving around WITHOUT any license, and the failure rate of people
who are taking the NEW DMV test here is 75% first time out.....and they have CUT 
drivers ed due to budget problems....I fear the answers that you, Jaime, and the others
who post here seek, are far away.  I do my best to send safer drivers back onto your
streets after 8 hours....it ain't enough.  People ask me why a class like mine isn't
mandatory BEFORE you get a license?  $$$$ is the answer.  Stupidity is the answer.
$$$ is the MOST important value in American society, and too many citizens
(and non-citizens for that matter) who get into trouble in their vehicles, were pursuing
$$$ instead of safety.

Kenny Morse
"Mr. Traffic"


Follow-Ups: References: