
Re: Freeway: Lane change vs. merging from onramp

In article <3vquh3$ob1@orion.davd.com> Steven Blackwelder  wrote:
>Gene Kennedy 95SL2 <gkennedy@miracosta.cc.ca.us> wrote:
>>It is not worth a car accident to prove your right if your the one on the 
>>freeway but if the car entering the freeway has a more expensive car than 
>>you do - hit em!!!!! Well maybe just lay on the horn or use your finger.
>I assume you wrote for humor, not for seriousness (the advice seems 
>contradictory anyhow). But some people sometimes set aside or lose their 
>sense of humor when they get behind the wheel of a car.
>I have used my car horn to express my offended dignity, but I learned 
>from my mistakes :-) that doing such things gains me no advantage in the 
>situation but makes it worse. I prefer to use my car horn as a last 
>resort to warn inattentive drivers of hazard, not as the voice of my 
>anger when I feel put-upon. Avoiding an incident on the road costs me 
>much less than escalating one and trying to prove myself in the right. I 
>have been spared the true humiliation of causing an accident in anger, 
>but close calls have reduced my productivity at work.
>Steve Blackwelder

And Steve.....

Please be aware there is a law in California for "Excessive Use Of A Horn".  If
you hang on a horn......"Come on ya jerk <hoooooooooooonk>," you can
get a ticket...but in all my years of teaching traffic school, I have had only
ONE guy who ever got nailed on this, in class.  Why???? .....................
he honked at.......................................................................................
A cop!

BRAIN DONOR!!!!!!!!!

Kenny Morse
"Mr. Traffic"
