
Re: Freeway: Lane change vs. merging from o

In article hra@mcc.miracosta.cc.ca.us, Gene Kennedy 95SL2 <gkennedy@miracosta.cc.ca.us> writes:
>Steven Blackwelder <SBLACKWELDER@FIRSTBYTE.DAVD.COM> wrote:
>>The right of way is clear to me when a car is in a lane and another car's driver intends to move into that lane (whether merging or changing 
>>lanes), but it's not so clear to me when two vehicles are moving into the same empty space.
>>Steve Blackwelder
>All cars entering the freeway must yield to all cars on the freeway.
>It is not worth a car accident to prove your right if your the one on the 
>freeway but if the car entering the freeway has a more expensive car than 
>you do - hit em!!!!! Well maybe just lay on the horn or use your finger.

Nothing is proved by hitting another car because according to
California law "Failure to avoid an accident" over rides all errors. So
if you intentionally hit another car you are at fault no matter what
the other car was doing.

I know someone who got ticketed for this when the other car ran a red
light and this guy had a left turn arrow. The cop looked at the road
saw no skid marks while the car that ran the red light had 'em. This
was in the mid 80's.

Never checked, but I wonder if ABS brakes leave skid marks.



