
Re: Speed limits v actual spd

   All the hue and cry about the speed limits miss the real point. The 
55 was put in by the Federal Government. For those who don't know, in
politics, things just dont happen, there is a reason for everything.
Most of the time the reason you hear is not the "REAL REASON". 

    The keeping of the 55 these 23 years is no accident. Congress
passed a law to lift the 55 and Clinton is making noises like he
will veto it. If he does, the warning flag goes up another 6 notches.

    Since we do not know the real reason for the 55 we must protect
against the "WORST CASE" situation. Clinton and Bush and Nixon before them,
has plans to become an "IMPERIAL PRESIDENT" and rule for life.
   Once the white collar crooks steal trillions of dollars (with the
governments blessing) (it's already done), then take the peoples guns
away (the plan is being implimented). The final act is to raise the 
price of a trafic citation about 5 times, then enforce the 55 strictly.

    There will be the super rich and the poor. With the "open border
policy" jobs will pay $5.00 an hour, gasoline will be $3.00 a gallon 
and every time you drive your car you get a $500.00 ticket.

   This would conquer the country from within. The rich crooks will
control everything. The BAFT already has 22 attack  aircraft and 
a bunch of light armord vehicles the government bought from
Russia when they collapsed. They are not good combat equipment, but
against UNARMED CITIZENS they work real well.

    This is the "WORST CASE" picture. To gaurd against it we must remove
the 55. That removes one step that is already in place.

