
Re: Speed limits v actual spd

In article <3vlv5r$o3j@news-e1a.megaweb.com> kennystar@megaweb.com (KENNY MORSE) writes:

>Simple......1: It's the law.
>                 2: If you don't like the law...change it...or break it & pay!

Repressive speed limits have been national law for over 20 years.  Now that 
the feds may be repealing that law, the State of California assures us there 
will be no significant changes in our state laws.

So much for democracy.  As I mentioned in my other message, highway speed 
limits are one of the clearest examples possible that we do not live in 
anything resembling a democracy.  Instead, we live under a system where an 
elite think they know best, and they have the power to enact laws that make 
the vast majority of people lawbreakers.

>                 3: Since WAY too many people are doing stupid things like 
>tailgaiting, weaving lanes, DUI.....they drive with no license...they drive with
>no insurance.....I could go on.......until we have laws or education that stop 
>people from these behaviors, until then, speed IS a factor!!  I wish it was

So deal with the real problems!  All the things you mentioned are already 
illegal.  You don't need repressive speed limits to deal with those other 
problems, and there is no evidence that repressive speed limits help deal with 
those other problems.  In fact, they may well aggravate the other factors, 
because making people lawbreakers makes them crazy.

The highway is quite literally a police state.  Nearly everybody is breaking 
the law almost all the time, and the police essentially have the power to stop 
anybody, anytime, merely for driving as normal people do.

Police states breed contempt for the law, contempt for fellow citizens, 
irresponsible behavior, and all the other problems we see on the highway.  A 
police state is the worst possible way to encourage people to be responsible, 
cooperative, and courteous to each other.  But those are exactly the qualities 
needed to make our highways safer.

