
Re: 65 means 65

In article <3vtl63$p50@cville-srv.wam.umd.edu>,
Scott Richard Rosenfeld <ham@wam.umd.edu> wrote:

...about 65mph limit....

>So basically, nothing has really changed, except that I can now 
>make my long trips at 67 instead of 62, and not worry about getting
>a ticket.  There are, undoubtedly, pockets where enforcement is 
>lax at best.  But don't expect the same policies to exist as when 
>the law was 55.

I don't necessarily agree that nothing has changed.  The de facto
speed limit has not changed, but now at least if I get caught driving
72 in a 65 I get a ticket for doing 72 in a 65, not a ticket for 72 in
a 55.  That 10 mph the cops would give you disappeared when the ticket
was written.  This can make a difference in regards to the severity of
the fine and number of points put on your record.

Also, now that we have 65 here in New York on a number of roads, there
are a few which didn't get raised (aside from the ones banned by
federal law, others weren't raised for political reasons).  The NYSP
say that they will be enforcing them a lot tighter than before.  In
other words, the "10 over" tolerance is gone altogether, so the de facto speed limit on those such roads has actually dropped.

>BTW, when going from a 65 to a 55 zone, I find myself actually DOING
>between 55 and 60, whereas I used to (along w/everyone else) do about
>62.  Consider it a small price to pay for the luxury of cruising at
>68 without fear of reprisal.

You are the type of person the gloom-and-doom insurance companies and
safety nazis say don't exist.  You are proof that drivers will respect
a reasonable limit (although I belive 65 might be 5-10 mph too low)
and not hold speed limits in contempt, as happened before.

>Anyone know if NY State has switched to 65 yet?

Yes, as of 12:01AM on 1 August 1995.  Do be careful, however-- it is
not on all roads, and the armed revenue collectors are concentrating
enforcement on those area where the limit changes, and wasting more
money on LIDAR units.


John P. Curcio  jpc@philabs.philips.com  Philips Labs  Briarcliff Manor, NY
                "FOSTERS:  Australian for Bud, mate!!"
   "No goats, no boats, no motorcars, not a single 'yes-siree!'"  -BH

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