
Re: 65 means 65

Excerpts from netnews.rec.autos.driving: 4-Aug-95 Re: 65 means 65 by
KENNY MORSE@megaweb.com 
> and John writes:
> >You are the type of person the gloom-and-doom insurance companies and
> >safety nazis say don't exist.  You are proof that drivers will respect
> >a reasonable limit (although I belive 65 might be 5-10 mph too low)
> >and not hold speed limits in contempt, as happened before.
> WHAT???? He's the type of person that the insurance company uses
> to solidify their beliefs!  His willingness to speed even when the limit
> is raised to 65!!!!!  He is EXACTLY why those of us who wish the
> speed limits could be 75 won't get our wish.  Because the government
> KNOWS that if they raise to 75....he  (and many others) will take that
> as a sign to do 85!
> >>

    I disagree... I think that I would do around 80 on most roads
without a speed limit.  I think that reasonable limits are a great idea,
and indeed, I am far more likely to make an effort to obey the 65 MPH
limit than the ridiculous 55 bulls**t that we've had to put up with for
so many years.
    I, for one, am all in favor of a higher limit.
    Another advantage to a higher limit is the fact that one is more
attentive to driving... case in point: last time I was driving late at
night on a 65 MPH stretch of road I passed quite a few people doing only
about 55-60.  I took a mental assessment of the road conditions to see
if there were any dangerous conditions that would cause people to be
driving so slowly.  I was forced to conclude that it was simply l late t
nighrt and that these people were not comfortable driving fast at night.
 However, had the limit been 55, I would not have thought that they were
uncomfortable at azll, and I would have blown merrily past, since I
would have thought that they were merely obeying the signs like good
sheep.  Now in this case, there was no reason for me not to have been
riving fast, but had there been, I would probably noticed it sooner than
with a lower limit.

(and no, smartass, it's not because I was driving faster <g>)


