
Re: Solve speeding by limiting cars!

In article <48ae40$eo1@post.gsfc.nasa.gov>, gwashing@ace.gsfc.nasa.gov says...
>California made over $800 million from speeding citations last year.  The
>simple fact is that the government likes speeders.
>-- Gerald
>   gwashington@cen.com

No no no, the government doesn't like speeders.  They just love our money.  
They don't give a damn about our safety, just cash.

While you're at it, take this sobering fact to heart:  California may have had 
over $800 million in speeding revenues, but imagine how many extra BILLIONS the 
insurance companies took in from higher rates charged to those people!

It's a scam!  A hoodwink!  An out-and-out lie to get your money, and we ought 
to be trying to find a way to get rid of it.  By God, is there NO WAY to get to 
these self-serving bastards?

BTW, here in Atlanta, I heard something really stupid on the morning news.  
There has been an awful lot of outcry from the public to raise speed limits 
since the National limit was abolished.  Now, from the good 'ole Dept. of 
Transportation (those lackeys), they have issued a "study" that "proves" that 
raising the speed limit will cost the city $770 million.  Why, you say?  
Because they are assuming a 30% increase in traffic accidents due to speed.


Their own studies a few years ago showed that raising the limit from 55mph to 
65mph actually DECREASED accidents (ie. people on the road for a lesser amount 
of time).  Of course, the public in general HATES to pay for things, so 
interjecting a large numerical figure into the argument is likely to cool down 
interest in the speed increase, at least for those who buy this cockamamie 

And even more so, our local Georgia State Patrol (arguably the most snot-nosed 
and piss-ridden State Patrol in these 50 states) has instigated a local 
operation, dubbed "Hard Nose", which has no other task than to set up 
concentrated speed traps trying to nab speeders.  Their Chief (whatever his 
title is) was recently asked if he thought the limits should be raised.  His 
answer?  "Absolutely not.  We're having a hard enough time enforcing the 
current limit".  NOW WHAT KIND OF LOGIC IS THAT?  If people are constantly 
flouting an outdated and overbearing law, then why the hell don't they CHANGE 
IT?!?!??!  Prohibition didn't work, but at least they had the sense to get rid 
of it when the realization hit.  A recent poll by the Atlanta 
Journal-Constitution showed that 87% of all drivers exceed 55mph, and 72% 
exceed 65mph.  Of course, I was in the 10% that drive at 80mph or greater (they 
didn't poll beyond 80mph).

Is there some congressman we can call?  Some lobby we can court?  This insanity 
has gone on de facto for twenty years.  We can do something about it.


The opinions expressed here are my own
and in no way reflect upon anyone or
anything except myself.  I reserve the
right to offend anyone and anything in
any acceptably legal manner.

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