
Re: Solve speeding by limiting cars!

randy@omni.voicenet.com (Randy) wrote:

> Following is the PA law regarding Emergency Vehicles (take special note of
> subsection D.

[ snipped }

>    (d)  Ambulances and blood-delivery vehicles.--The driver of
> an ambulance or blood-delivery vehicle shall comply with maximum
> speed limits, red signal indications and stop signs. After
> ascertaining that the ambulance or blood-delivery vehicle will
> be given the right-of-way, the driver may proceed through a red
> signal indication or stop sign.

> The laws may or may not be stupid, but they are laws. You are bound to
> abide by them. If you break them, you are a criminal. Do your best to
> repeal laws which you think are unfair/unjust.
> -- 
> Randy

Subsection (d) --> The gov't knows what's best for us (sarcasm).

Obedience to arbitrary and puntative gov't regulations are more
important than saving one's life where a few minutes is a 
difference between life and death.

The legislature who wrote that subsection of the law ought to be 
voted out of office and be ridiculed for pushing something that
arbitrary. All other emergency vehicles can exceed the posted 
speed limit except ambulances and blood vehicles.

Laws like that deserve to be broken.

