
Re: Solve speeding by limiting cars!

In article <48bcpd$3qj@wanda.pond.com>, russotto@wanda.pond.com (Matthew
T. Russotto) wrote:

> In article <randy-1411951810100001@philly48.voicenet.com>,
> Randy <randy@omni.voicenet.com> wrote:
> }I must contradict this. Ambulance personnel should stabilize the patient
> }PRIOR to transport. As a paramedic, I was bound by those rules. In PA,
> }ambulances must obey ALL laws regardless of the emergency. No sense
> }endangering more lives to save on life, whether transport by ambulance or
> }personal vehicle.
> I'll just have to watch for the ambulance with full lights and sirens
> heading down the Blue Route at 55mph, getting passed by everyone else.
> I'm sure it's a comical sight, to everyone except the patient.

It may be comical to you, but if the patient is aware, then it is not an
emergency. I have been in the back of ambulances trying to treat patients
while moving at faster speeds. The truth is, it was harder for me to start
an IV in a faster moving ambulance, then a slower moving one. The patient
actually benefits when the ambulance is moving slower.

> }> Besides, the 55/65 limit has no realistic basis..  
> }
> }Sure it does.
> Like what?

Read my other posts.

> }> and the insurance industry bribed the politicians to keep 
> }> it on the books to protect the bonanaza of ticket surcharge income it >
> }generated.
> }
> }How do you know the insurance companies bribed the politicians?
> They do it openly and notoriously.

Then why aren't they arrested? I have never seen this openly and notoriously.

> -- 
> Matthew T. Russotto      russotto@pond.com     russotto@his.com
> "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice, and moderation in pursuit
> of justice is no virtue."
