
Re: Solve speeding by limiting cars!

In article <randy-1511952054340001@philly212.voicenet.com>,
Randy <randy@omni.voicenet.com> wrote:
>In article <48bmlk$1go@gap.cco.caltech.edu>, addam@cco.caltech.edu (Adam
>Neil Villani) wrote:
>> Good point. I'm only 22 and have only been driving for 5 years, but despite 
>> nearly always exceeding the speed limit I've received no tickets and the only
>> time I've ever had a collision was when I was pulling out of a driveway very
>> slowly on a residential street and hit a parked car, breaking the cover on
>> my taillamp. That PROVES that low speeds cause accidents, too.
>It does not prove that low speeds cause accidents, it proves you are an
>inattentive driver.

How many times do I have to say this? I was making a JOKE. It wasn't a
very good one, evidently, because nobody seemed to understand it. Of
course pulling out of a driveway doesn't cause accidents.

BTW, it does not prove that I am an inattentive driver, it proves that
at that one moment I was inattentive. People on the net make too many
damn generalizations.

Adam Villani
Find the wondrous connection: Cesar Chavez, Benjamin Banneker, Sacajawea
