
Re: Solve speeding by limiting cars!

Rick Nakroshis <rnakroshis@grci.com> wrote:

>wassensf@dma.org (Steve Wassenich) wrote:

>>On a "perfectly straight road", how did this "partially-ejected teenager" 
>>manage to roll a pickup truck, and what did this have to do with speed?  
>>Sounds to me like the little twerp drove it into the ditch and flipped it.

>Needless to say, the driver was silent on this matter.  This piece of road 
>was one of the deadliest in the county for the number of accidents that 
>were speed-related.  There were plenty of narrow, twisty, two lane roads 
>that virtually never had accidents on them, OTOH.

Just sounds like evolution at work to me!

*----[Fixed-price software development over the net ]----*
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