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Vol. 19, No. 3/Spring 1997

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Conference Newcomers (and Oldtimers too!)

Sunday night, June 8th, is the "Welcome Newcomers" night at the News Division Hospitality Suite in the Westin Hotel.

If you're a newcomer to SLA conferences, please come and meet some of the interesting and friendly people of the News Division. The suite, and this night in particular, is a great way to get acquainted.

Will Seattle be your first, second or third trip to SLA? If so, we'd like to see you at an informal meeting for newcomers on Wednesday night, June 11th, to talk about this conference and what we might like to see presented at upcoming conferences. Please contact me if you'd be interested in attending.

If you'd like to be a mentor for a newcomer, or you're a newcomer and would like to have a mentor, please contact me. Mentors and mentorees will be matched before the conference. Specific time and place for the meeting Wednesday night will be posted on NewsLib and on the message boards at the conference under "N" for Newcomers.

Contact Lovelle Svart, Research Librarian, The Oregonian, at for more information.

News Library News
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