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Vol. 19, No. 3/Spring 1997

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People Column

by Theresa Kiely

Staff Changes

Sheelagh McNeill and Tom Anker have joined the staff of ABC News Research Center as Information Specialists. Sheelagh formerly worked at the Canadian Consulate in New York.

Tom worked in the Telephone Reference Division of the Brooklyn Public Library.

Susan Sweetman has rejoined the Library staff at the Christian Science Monitor as a Photo Archivist. She will help usher in the new digital photo archive and is responsible for organizing all photo files.

Dave Valenzuela finished his MLS in December 1996, at the University of Buffalo, and is now working at the Nashville Banner as the head librarian.

Craig. W. Wingrove has joined the Sports Illustrated Library staff. He is a 1996 graduate in Library and Information Studies from McGill University.

Beverly Hunt, formerly with the Oakland Tribune, has joined Mona Hatfield's staff at the Contra Costa Times.


Judy Ganeles has been appointed the Supervisor of Research Services in the Research Center at ABC News in New York.

Charles Shipman was promoted to Assistant Library Director at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch in September 1996.

Sandy Levy was promoted to Library Director of the Baltimore Sun Editorial Library.

Changing Jobs

Barbara Vandegrift, librarian of the National Press Club since 1981, will move to a part-time position as director of a non-profit press library support group, the Friends of the National Journalism Library, and as administrator of the awards and scholarship programs for the Club. "After 16 years and two library installations here," said Vandegrift, "I'm ready for a new challenge." The staff at the Club library will be joined by Tom Glad, currently a librarian in Newsday's Editorial Library's Washington Bureau, who will take over as director.


Mary Crocket Manning is retiring as library director for the Post and Courier in South Carolina. She is going sailing with her husband.

Library Spotlight

Jim Oberman and the library staff at People magazine were featured by People's Managing Editor in the February 10, 1997 edition. Landon Jones' column "Inside People," states that "no story is written without some information provided by the library." "Our imprint is there in the stories," says Oberman, "That's very satisfying."

Photo Caption: Jim Oberman with fellow researchers, Steven Cook, Suzy Im, Celine Wojtala and Robert Britton, at People Weekly. Kim Butler, People Weekly

Job Openings

The Post and Courier in Charleston, S.C., a 110,000 circulation daily newspaper, has an immediate opening for chief librarian. Strong news library or journalism background preferred. College degree or equivalent. This is a fast-paced job that requires commitment and a strong interest and knowledge of news events and issues. Contact: Evan Z. Bussey, assistant executive editor, The Post and Courier, 134 Columbus Street, Charleston, S.C., 29403, or fax: 803-937-5579 or email:

Theresa Kiely is Library Director at Newsday. Send news to her at

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