News Library News Online
Vol. 21, No.4/Summer 1999

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Footprints and Road Signs

By Kathy Foley

The Atrium of Market Square in Minneapolis Monday June 7 was the scene of the grand celebration of the 75th anniversary of the News Division. The event, elegantly organized and hosted by Lany McDonald and the world’s strongest news librarian, Bob Jansen , brought together several generations of news librarians.

At the cocktail party that began the evening’s festivities, News Division members greeted returning friends with smiles, hugs and tears. Lany and Bob graciously welcomed all to celebrate and enjoy the evening. The crowd responded with joy, laughter and a congo line.

Special returning member guests included Lou Thomas and her husband Straw, Joe Mehr and his wife Jonell, Carol Lindsay , Shirley Mooney Aarsberg and husband Bent, Sandy Hall, Nan Stoddard, Barbara Newcombe, Jim Scofield and his wife, Ernest Perez , and Harish Trivedi.

As wine and a delicious meal was served, various members including myself, Shirley Mooney Aabjerg, Bob Jansen, Ginny Everett, Lou Thomas, and Justin Scroggs offered toasts or delivered roll calls to honor winners of the Ralph J. Shoemaker Award of Merit, the Henebry Roll of Honor Awards, and the Joseph Kwapil Memorial Awards. Long stemmed roses were given to all winners who were present.

This year's Vormelker-Thomas Student Award competition winner, Solveig Benedikte Nes from Oslo, Norway, was presented by Student Awards chair, Chris Hardesty. Past winners were also presented.

Association president-elect, Donna Scheeder, who is a long-time member and past chair of the News Division was also recognized.

The Sevilles, ably assisted by division member Ron Larson on drums, provided music for the dancing which lasted past midnight.

Many of the retired and returning members attended programs and the division suite during the week. Although they were surprised at the peaceful tone of the division business meeting, they were impressed with quality of the division programs and discussions.

Their presence gave the conference a special sense of joy as the News Division lived up to its reputation of excellence and its dedication to a good time.

 News Division members (named below) at the banquet
From left to right: Kathy Foley, Diane Logsdon, Carolyn Hardnett, Harish Trivedi, Shirley Mooney Aabjerg, Sandy Hall and Lou Thomas (seated is Joe Reynolds, President and CEO of Bell & Howell Information Learning who sponsored the event).


Bob Jansen (back) and Lany McDonald (front)
Party organizers: Lany McDonald and Bob Jansen (world's strongest librarian).









News Division members (named below) at the banquet

From left: Nora Paul, Richard Geiger, Cliff Pierce, Stephanie Willen Brown, Carolyn Edds, Linda Henderson, John Cronin, Bill Van Niekerken.








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