News Library News Online
Vol. 21, No.4/Summer 1999

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By Jeff Graveline

It is always great to see librarians share a byline with a reporter on big stories. But how about when they have their own byline? Cathy Spitzer, a librarian at the San Francisco Examiner, had a centerpiece story on corporate intranets recently. The story ran on the front of the business section in the Bay to Breakers paper. Despite her budding journalism career, Cathy was named Assistant Library Director after joining the staff last fall. After 10 years as a social worker with Kaiser Permanente, she returned to library school at the University of Texas where she graduated last June. As if she was not already busy enough, she will be getting married in August.

Richard Drezen, business research librarian at The Washington Post, researched and wrote the "1998 Best Business Books" article for the March 15, 1999 issue of Library Journal. He has been reviewing business books for LJ since 1990. To compile the list Richard reviewed book reviews from the previous year, compiled best-of lists from the major business dailies and weeklies, interviewed business reporters around the country and studied trends on which he thinks has an excellent business section.

Speaking of librarians receiving credit for their hard work, Nisa Asokan, a news researcher at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, was credited as a research contributor on an award winning series put out by the paper. The series, "Forgive us our debts," won the Business News category of the 65th National Headliners Awards.

The grand-daddy of all journalism awards, the Pulitzer Prize, had several entries that included librarians’ contributions. Margot Williams and Alice Crites of The Washington Post and Liz Donovan of The Miami Herald, were involved with Pulitzer winning stories this year. Barbara Hijek at the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel was also involved with a Pulitzer nominated piece.

Congratulations must also be extended on another front to Donna Scheeder, deputy assistant director, Congressional Research Service, who became president-elect of SLA this year!

In other news, Bob Isaacs, former Editorial Research Center Manager at the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, retired on April 17. He wants all of his friends to know that he is enjoying life poolside these days in his fabulous tropical backyard. If you would like to contact Bob his e-mail address is Upon his retirement, Barbara Hijek was promoted to his former position and, at the time of this writing, was looking for her replacement as Research Supervisor. According to Barbara, "Insiders know that the secret reason behind Bob’s retirement is that he wanted to enjoy the millennium somewhere other than at work."

There could soon be an opening at the Sports Illustrated library. Linda Ronin, eight year veteran of SI, will be leaving in late summer to begin study at Andover-Newton Theological School in Newton, MA. She had been studying at Union Theological Seminary in NYC for two years and is transferring in September. She will pursue ministry in the United Church of Christ. She says that the ministry has been one of her long standing interests, "probably to the surprise of certain News Division friends." Originally from Boston, she will be heading back north where she spent her Red Sox-besotted youth. Good Luck, Linda.

And while we are in California … The Los Angeles Times has a new addition to its Editorial Library. Penny Love recently accepted a position as a senior research librarian after spending almost 9 years as a news researcher with the Orange County Register. The Modesto Bee Library has a new leader. Iris Carroll, a former University of Texas Business Librarian, took over the job from Kate Roberts, who went into business for herself. Kate had been with the Sacramento and Modesto Bees for a long time. Good luck in both of your new positions.

On the East coast, Shira Kavon, a News Division student member from Queens College in New York City, has accepted a position as a Library Assistant in CNN's New York bureau beginning June 15, 1999.

Charlotte Kohrs, at NBC News, Washington, recently made some international connections. Several months ago, a message was posted to the news discussion list from Linda Cottrell of The Advertiser in Adelaide, Austrailia. Knowing she was one week away from visiting Adelaide, Charlotte contacted Linda about what she should see during her trip. Linda extended a hospitable welcome, including a tour of The Advertiser, making Charlotte’s trip even nicer. As it turned out, Linda and her daughter were touring the U.S. in April and were able to visit the NBC library and studio with Charlotte. How is that for international networking?

This was submitted by Shirley Mooney Aabjerg, 1981 Chair, and is reprinted in its entirety.

"On behalf of all the alumni who were able to attend the gala 75th anniversary party in Minneapolis, please extend our most sincere thanks to Lany McDonald and her committee, Bob Jansen and his local representatives, the sponsors and all who attended what was billed as, and what truly was, the event of the century! Thank you for including us ("old fossils") and thanks for proving to us that the News Division remains everything we remember and more! This IS a Division that stands out and stands tall – in innovation, leadership, sharing, caring, and always upholding our carefully carved out role as the associations' ‘raucous caucus.’"

Jeff Graveline is the Director of News Research at the Tuscaloosa News. His email is


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