T i r u v a i m o z h i   of   N a m m a z h w a r - Centum : 6-2

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minnidai madavaargaL ninnaruL sootuvaar* munpu naanadhanchuvan*
mannudai ilangai* araNkaayndha maayavanE*
unnudaiya sundaayam naanaRivan* iNni athu kondu seyvathen?*
ennudaiya pandhum kazhalum* thandhu pOgu nampI!*.(2) 	6.2.1

1. Oh The Greatest of men! You are concentrating only on Your acts. You
are the Maayavan, who went to LankA and killed rAvaNA! You mixed with them
and befriended those beautiful narrow waisted girls and expressed Your
love. Now You are after those "ammaanaik kaay" and the ball (flower ball).
Don't take them. Keep them back. They are mine. They are not those girls'.
Hence, leave them to me. You can not cheat me like You cheated them. (Here
AzhwAr says: "thandhu pOghu nambhI" means: Leave  them here and go away:
i.e Since they have been touched by Your hands,  we can get saved by their
mere presence here.)

pOgu nNampee! un_thaamarai puraikaNNiNaiyum* sevvaay muRuvalum*
aagulangaL seyya* azhithaRkE nORROmEyaam?*
thOgai maamayilaargaL ninnaruL sootuvaar* seviyOsai vaiththezha*
aagaL pOga vittu* kuzhaloothu pOyirunthE*.	6.2.2

2. Oh EmperumaanE! NambhI! You need not come. Go away! Your Red Lotus like
eyes, Red lips and the enchanting smile that comes out from that  red
mouth, are all killing us. Like this to get killed only, were we
performing "nOnbu" (penance)? You go to other girls, who are born to get
blessed by Your mercy. You will join Them and play with them. You will
gather them near You with Your sweet melodious flute. You are going as a
cow her boy to take care of the cattle and that is only a lame excuse.
You do not play the flute for the cattle. You are playing for those girls,
I know. The joy and happiness- You are giving them; Now, You are giving us
trouble and sufferings. Do not stand here. You can go. (Emabr likes this
pAsuram so much: He enjoys " we do not even have the mind to call Him
"Come" in this world; AzhwAr is blessed to ask the Lord to go away.)

pOyirundhu nNin puLLuvam aRiyaadhu* avarkku urai nampi!* nin_seyya-
vaayiruNG kaniyuNG kaNgaLum* vipareetham in^_naaL*
vEyirundhadanNthOLinaar* iththiruvaruL peRuvaaryavar kol*
maayiruNG kadalaik kadaindha* perumaanaalE?*.	6.2.3

3. NambhI! We are used to Your lies and You can not cheat us any more with
Your lies. You go and tell such lies to those who are gullible.  Those
poor girls (gOpis) think and assume that Your lies are Your truthful
sincere statements. Go and talk to them. Your lips, which are like the
bimbhA fruit (kovvaippazham), Your beautiful mouth and lips are all doing
great harm to us. We were not aware of the difference between Your
beautiful mouth and Your eyes. (Both speak lies.) Now we have understood
Your intentions. Without listening to what we say, You are trying to
distract our attention, by saying "What a beautiful shoulder  we have" and
attempt to deceive us. We know very well for whose  shoulders You fell
for. They are the ones who are so blessed to have  Your grace.  When You
are so beautiful with Your lovely broad, shoulders,  whose shoulders
allured You?

aaliNn eeLilai Ezhulagamundu* anRu nee kidanNthaay* un maayangaL-
mElai vaanavarum aRiyaar* ini em paramE?*
vEliNnErth thadaNGkaNNinaar* viLaiyaatu soozhalaich choozhavE ninRu*
kaali mEykka vallaay!* emmai nNee kazhaRElE*.	6.2.4

4. EmperumaanE! The One who had the seven lOkAs in Your stomach during
PraLaya kaalam and You lied down on a small leaf! Even nityasUris can  not
get to know of Your such acts. Is it possible for us to know about  You?
And talk further about You? You always go to places where beautiful  girls
(gOpis) play and pretend that You have just happened to go there with the
cattle. Their beautiful looks arrest You and Your are not able to go away
from them. That is why You take the cattle to where they  play.  Please do
not hide Your such mischief from us and try to talk to  us.  ("emmai nee
kazhaRElE"- means: We are all suffering being away from  Him and we are
languishing to see You; You don' even know what is the suffering like and
You have no right to ask us to talk any further with You. Till last
minute, You never showed Your self and now don't tell all those lies.-
says nampiLLai.)

kazhaREl nampee!* un kai thavam maNNum viNNum naNnkaRiyum* thiNsakkara-
nizhaRu tholpadaiyaay!* unakku onRu uNarththuvan naan*
mazhaRu thEnmozhiyaargaL ninnaruLsootuvaar manam vaadi niRka* em-
kuzhaRu poovaiyodum* kiLiyOdum kuzhakElE*.	6.2.5

5. NambhI! Do not assume Your self as the Most truthful Chief and try to
talk to us! Your cheating words, lies are world famous; It is not that  we
alone know about it. Even bhUlOkam and dEva lOkam know about it. Oh
PerumaanE! The One who has the ChakrA in Your hand! I would like to tell
You something now. Listen. " Your words are so sweet" like that don't tell
and try to distract our talk. The actually sweet worded talkers are those
girls (Gopis) and Your go there to remove their worries. Are we capable of
such Grace form You? No. They only are capable of obtaining Your grace. Go
to them (AzhwAr is getting real angry.)  You have not  even satisfied them
and left them in the middle and come over here.  Please go there and try
to remove their worries at least. Do not stay  here and attempt to play
with my bird and parrot and do not attempt to befriend us. We know Your
deceitful words. Go away.

kuzhaki engaL kuzhamaNan kondu* kOyinmai seythu kanmam onRillai*
pazhakiyaam iruppOm* paramE iththiruvaruLkaL?*
azhagiyaar ivvulaga moonRukkum* thEvithamai thaguvaar palaruLar*
kazhaga mEREl nampee!* unakkum iLaithE kanmamE*.	6.2.6

6. (Emperumaan, shameful of His delay, attempts to go near ParAngusanAyaki
and her friends in the veil and some other talk to distract them and take
their playful object. Immediately Nayaki speaks  in this pAsuram). NambhI!
Do not think that You can succeed in Your  attempts to attract us with You
veiled face and Your sweet words at us.  Don't take our wooden toy
(marappaavai) and act as if You have not taken  it. There is no use in
Your such acts and words to distract us. We know all about You nature and
character. We have been thinking of You so  long.  Don't we know You?
Don't cheat us. Your grace-is it only for us  only?  Don't talk as if You
consider only us, as Your favorites. There  are many who are capable of
sitting next to You as Your favorites in all  three worlds (like Gopis).
There are many such beautiful ladies. Do not  add fuel to the fire. Aren't
they only more beautiful than we are? Then,  why did You come here to us?
You are the Chief of everyone and the Primordial Chief. Don't come near
and tell that You are the Young innocent lad. Don't belittle Yourself,
BhagawaanE! Even this act, You  are doing so nicely and it suits You.
(Don't tell lies - "kazhagham EREl nambhI"- Bhattar enjoys it so much and
is full of tears rolling down his cheeks when he hears this line.
NampiLLAi narrates Bhattar's anubhavam like this : Samastha kalYANa
guNAthmakan- ubhaya vibhUti yukthan- sarvaadhikan- sarvaniyanthaa-
sarvEshearan- He gets caught in between these four "aayar" ladies- those
girls ask Him to go away- what an even!  and The Lord does not even know
what to reply and does not know how to stand and where to go- What a
sowseelyam! Even Veda vyAsar et al would not have even had powers to ask
the Lord to go away or stand there as  per their wish; The One who fixes
everthing and everyone and executes is  now being directed by these
cowherd ladies! ("aRivonRum illaatha  aaykulatthu unthannaip
piRavipaRundhanaip puNNIyam yaamudaiyOm".)

kanma manRu engaL kaiyil paavaipaRippathu* kadalNYaalam unditta*
ninmalaa! nediyaay!* unakkElum pizhaipizhaiyE*
vanmamE solli emmai nNee viLaiyaatuthi* athukEtkil ennaimaar*
thanma paavamennaar* oru naanRu thadi piNakkE*.	6.2.7

7. Oh Blemishless Lord, Faultless Lord! It is not Your appropriate act  to
snatch this wooden toy of ours that we play. Oh ThirumaalE! The One  who
ate the world during Cosmic Cycle end! What You do is not correct  and
wrong. Not only that. You are also playing with Your words and try  to
distract us. If our relatives come to know of Your such mischievous talk,
they will tell that it is NOT Dharmam. They will even punish us  for Your
such stay here thinking that You are our dear one (when You are actually
not) and one day they even may hit us with sticks.

piNakki yaavaiyum yaavarum* pizhaiyaamal pEthiththum pEthiyaadhathu Or*
kaNakkil keerththi veLLak* kathirNYaana moorththiyinaay,
iNakki emmai enNthOzhimaar* viLaiyaadap pOthumin enna pOndhOmai*
uNakki nee vaLaiththaal* en sollaar ugavaadhavarE?*.	6.2.8

8. EmperumaanE! You have set the world in tune and at the end join all
chEtanAs (sentient) and achEthanAs (non-sentient) with You. Then after the
PraLayam (cosmic cycle), You bring them out from Your stomach and
depending on their karmAs, You are granting them births which they
deserve. Like that You perform and are the entire flood of fame and
personification of jnAnam. Such Greatest Lord! You come here and attempt
to capture us with Your beauty, People and my relatives- what all will
they not say? (Because they do not like our love for each other!) My
friends are also calling me for playing with them. When I join them for
playing, You appear there and immediately and allure us with Your beauty
and sweet words (AzhwAr has mellowed and is soft now). This is not proper.
ME. So don't give them a wrong impression and go away.

ugavaiyaal nencham uLLurugi* un_thaamaraith thadangaN vizhikaLin*
agavalaip patuppaan* azhiththaay un thiruvadiyaal*
thagavu seythilai engaL siRRilum* yaamatu siRusORum kandu* nNin-
mugavoLi thigazha* muRuval seythu ninRilaiyE*. 	6.2.9

9. EmperumaanE! You have destroyed our small sand houses ("maNal veedu-
siRRil") and our dishes and rice which we cooked (with sand). This not
correct and proper. We were thinking that You are going to bless us with
Your Most Beautiful kataaksham (merciful glances) from Your eyes. You
should have captured us with Your lovely net of Your most beautiful
eyesight and let our heats melt with enormous amount of inexplicable joy
HOUSES WHICH WE BUILT IN THESE SANDS. We thought You will stand with  Your
beautiful smile on Your lips, admiring our home building play. We  were in
fact, looking and enjoying the sight of Your mandhahaasam  (beautiful
smile) while we were playing. You did not let us continue with our
enjoyment and spoiled our play. Is it correct? No.

ninRilangu mudiyinaay!* irupaththOr kaal arasu kaLai katta*
venRi neeLmazhuvaa!* viyan_NYaalam munpadaiththaay!*
inRu ivvaayar kulaththai veeduyyath thOnRiya* karumaaNikkach chudar*
nin _dhannaal nalivE patuvOm enRum *aaychchiyOmE*.	6.2.10

10. Oh Valorous One, The One who has the kireetam (crown) on Your Head
most victoriously! You took ParasurAma avataar and angrily destroyed the
KshatriyAs! The Creator of the BhUlOlA! Even during this day, You wished
to save the cowherd group and appeared as KrishNA! Oh Black Emerald stone!
We are now suffering due to Your deceitful talks and foul plays.  (Even
when You come, we suffer because of Your mischief; When You don't come
also, we suffer).

aaychchiyaagiya annaiyaal* anRu veNNey vaarththaiyuL* seeRRa mundazhu-
kooththa appan dhannaik* kurukoorch chadagOpan*
Eththiya thamizh maalai* aayiraththuL ivaiyumOr _paththu isaiyOdum*
naaththannaal navila uraippaarku* illai nalguravE*.(2)	6.2.11

11. Emperumaan KaNNan at Thiruaayarpaadi, when the butter was found
stolen, He was pointed at and YasOdhA scolded Him. Emperumaan KaNNan, with
full of tears in His eyes, pleading innocence, stands helpless in front of
YasOdhA. (What a sowlabhyan! The Great Lord, standing as a butter thief,
and tears rolling down His cheeks. - AzhwAr's imagination is so wonderful,
quarreling with the Lord and asking Him to "go away" as aayay peNN"
(cowherd girl). About such KaNNan, Sri sadagOpar has sung 1000 pAsurams in
Tamil, and out of those 1000, readers of these ten pAsurams, Poverty will
NEVER STRIKE. (Here "No Poverty" does NOT mean being rich and having an
apartment in the heart of the city- it means: Having the most precious
wealth of Emperumaan's kataaksham at SrI Vaikuntam- HatimE hasti sailaagrE
vasthu paithaamaham dhanam. "He is our ancestral property and wealth.)

T i r u v a i m o z h i   of   N a m m a z h w a r - Centum : 6-2

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