T i r u v a i m o z h i   of   N a m m a z h w a r - Centum : 6-3

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nalkuravum selvum* narakum suvarkkamumaay*
velpagaiyum natpum* vidamum amuthamumaay*
palvagaiyum parandha* perumaan ennai aaLvaanai*
selvam malgu_kudi* thiru viNNagar kandEnE*.(2)	6.3.1

Various matters that are contradictory and opposite to each other- in all
of them Emperumaan resides and manifests. The Poverty and the riches; The
hell and The heaven; The enmity and the friendship; The pioson and the
amirtham (nectar); - like that all that is opposite to each other in
nature- in all that Emperumaan is there. In order to capture me and rule
me, for me, He is majestically appearing at ThiruviNNagar, where
(Spritually) wealthy families live. (like Our dearest Sri SadagOpan, who
hails from this place.)(NampiLLai expalins beautifully: why AzhwAr wishes
to sing His vruttha vibhUti gathvam? because: the prince not only visits
his father's palace and feels proud, but also visits the big, huge,
terrifying prisons which also belong to his father and feels graet about
his father.- what an enjoyment!)

kanda inpam thunpam* kalakkangaLum thERRamumaay*
thandamum thaNmaiyum* thazhalum nizhalumaay*
kandu kOtaRkariya* perumaan ennai aaLvaanoor*
then thiraip punalsoozh* thiruviNNagar nannagarE*.	6.3.2

2.The sorrows and pleasure that one experiences in this world are all
Emperumman only. The confusion and worry (that comes due to our not
getting something that we wish) and the satisfaction (that we obtain by
accomplishing what we desire) is all He alone. The anger and the cool
(mind) is He. Is that alone? He is the One who gives so much heat while
simultaneously He is the One who cools as a shadow.(like what He was
during NrusimhAvataar as agni to HiranYakasipu and the cool moon to
Prahlaada). Like that Emperumaan who is there in such opposite things is A
RARITY to be understood and seen. He is the One who rules me. that ruler
of mine stays gracefully at ThiruviNNagarm. (Periyavaacchaan PiLLai
interprest the confusion and worry as the anjnAnam (ignorance) and the
satisfcation as the jnAnam (divine knowledge)). (Here AzhwAr says in this
"kaNdu kOdarkaRiya Perumaan" -means the One who is not possible to be
seen, while in the last pAsuram, he says "palvagaiyum parandha perumaan"
means: The One who manifests in everything. i.e: There is nothing in which
He does NOT exist. If there is an object or any matter, He is in that.)

nagaramum naatugaLum* NYaanamum mootamumaay*
nigarilsoozh sudaraay iruLaay* nNilaNnaay visumpaay*
sigara maatangaL soozh* thiruviNNagarch chErndhapiraan*
pugargoL keerththiyallaal illai* yaavarkkum puNNiyamE*.	  6.3.3

3.People who live in cities, those who live in suburbs, - He exists in all
of them uniformly. He alone is the jnAnam; and the ignorance as well. He
is the unbounded, light that spans everywhere. He is the darkness as well.
The earth is His form and so is the sky, His form. Such Lord, The One who
is there in all such opposite kinds, is there beautifully showing Himself
at ThiruviNNagar. There is NO OTHER MEANS FOR ANY ONE EXCEPT (talikg
about) His Brightest Illuminating KalyANa guNAs. Is He NOT our Protector
and Saviour for our redemption?

puNNiyam paavam* puNarchchi pirivu enRivaiyaay*
eNNamaay maRappaay* uNmaiyaay inmaiyaay allanaay*
thiNNamaatangaL soozh* thiruviNNagarch chErndhapiraan*
kaNNanin aruLE* kandu koNmiNngaL kaithavamE*.	6.3.4

4.The puNNyams and paapams (virtues and sins) are all pointing at Him
only. The fruits of puNNyam (the enjoyment and being together) and of
paapam (the separation) are all His forms, too. He alone is our permanent
thinking on our objects of desire and our (intentionally) forgetting what
we do not like. To be and Not to be is He. THIS BHAGAWAAN ALONE is not
bound by karmAs. He is the Lord, who is so beautifully standing at
ThiruviNNagara Divya kshEthram.

kai thavam semmai* karumai veLumaiyumaay*
meypoy iLamai* mudhumai pudhumai pazhamaiyumaay*
seythathiN mathiLsoozh* thiruviNNagarch chErndhapiraan*
peythagaavu kandeer* perundhEvudai moovulagE*.	6.3.5

5.Dishonesty and Honesty is all His vibhUtis; He is both DARK and WHITE.
(Dark Cloudy hued Colour on the white Milky Ocean). Truths, lies; Youth,
Old age; Ancient, Modern- they all is He. All three worlds as the three
gardens are being taken care of by Him, The ThiruviNNagaraan, who stays at
this Divya sthalam so gracefully. (The Directors, and that which is being
directed by them- like BrahmA, Sivan, Indran, et al are all under His

moovulagaNGgaLumaay* allanaay ugappaay munivaay*
poovil vaazh magaLaay* thavvaiyaayp pukazhaay pazhiyaay*
thEvar mEviththozhum* thiruviNNagarch chErndhapiraan*
paaviyEn manaththE* uRaikinRa paranchudarE*.	6.3.6

6.Emperumaan has got all three worlds under control. The Parama Padham,
which is different from these three worlds - for that also, He alone is
the Chief. He is the One who is both anger as well as Happiness. He is The
One who is both SrIdEvi, and mUdEvi. He is the One who is both fame as
well as notoriety. He stands at ThiruviNNagar, where even dEvAs come to
greet Him with utmost respects and pay obeisance to Him. SUCH GREATEST

paranchudar udampaay* azhukku pathiththa udampaay*
karandhum thOnRiyum nNinRum* kai thavangaL seyyum* viNNOr-
sirangaLaal vaNangum* thiruviNNagarch chErndha piraan*
varangoL paadhamallaal illai* yaavarkkum van_saraNE*.	6.3.7

7.Emperumaan, has got the Suddha satva, illuminating, Shining, body (with
no binding to Prakritti). He is also the same one who has the tri-guNa
(satva, raja, tamO guNa  bounded by Prakritti maNdalam) filled world as
His body. He alone is the antharyaami in all these things as well as those
things themselves (in which He resides). (A simple definition of
VishishtAdvaitA). He shows Himself in those lives living in the world. He
is the One who took avataars as Rama and KrishNA, and others. He stays in
such avataars for ages after ages. (means: HE STILL EXISTS AS RAAMAA AND
KRISHNAA AND OTHER AVATAARS).  He is the One who misleads people by NOT
letting them  know His nature and guNAs fully. HE IS THE ONE WHO IS AT
THIRUVINNAGAR, who is worshipped by BrahmA,  and other dEvAs. HIS LOTUS
FEET ARE THE ONLY MEANS FOR OUR REFUGE. There is nothing else, but His
Feet, that can enable us reach the shores (of samsaaric ocean).
(ThiruvaLLuvar says: PiRavip perungadal neendhuvar neendhaar iRaivan adi
sEraadhaar- means: Those who reach His Feet, will be able to cross the
Ocean of births; Those who don't will NOT.)

van_saraN surarkkaay* asurarkku veNGkooRRamumaay*
than_saraN nizhaRkeezh* ulagam vaiththum vaiyaathum*
then_saraN thisaikkuth* thiruviNNagarch chErndha piraan*
en_saraN en kaNNan* ennaiyaaLudai ennappanE*	6.3.8

.Bhagawaan, gave the protection and refuge for dEvAs, while He became the
yamA for rAkshasAs. He is The One who has His bhaktAs under the shadow of
HIS LOTUS FEET. He is appearing gracefully at ThiruviNNagar.  The One who
supports me gives me asylum, My Perumaan, KaNNa Perumaan is My Father.

ennappan enakkaay ikuLaay* ennaip peRRavaLaay*
ponnappan maNiyappan* muththappan en appanumaay*
minnap pon mathiLsoozh* thiru viNNagarch chErndha appan*
thannoppaar illappan* thandhanaNn thanathaaL nNizhalE*.(2)	6.3.9

(An excellent pAsuram, so sweet, so lovely) Emeprumaan is my appan
(father). He is also my sevilitthaay (baby sitter?) and my Mother as well.
He is My Father , who is  my Gold, My Pearl, My "maNi" (the pupil of my
eye). he is The One who is at ThiruviNNagar, surronded by big Golden
ramparts. THERE IS ABSLOUTELY NONE EQUAL TO HIM. (He is oppaaril appan-
oppiliappan). Such Great Lord has granted me the shadow of His Lotus Feet
for my redemption. There is no other means for me except taking refuge
under His Feet.

nizhalveyil siRumai perumai* kuRumai nedumaiyumaay*
suzhalvana nNiRpana* maRRumaay avai allanumaay*
mazhalai vaazh vanduvaazh* thiruviNNagar mannupiraan*
kazhalgaL anRi* maRROr kaLai_kaNilam kaaNmiNngaLE*. 	6.3.10

10.The shadow, the scorching heat (from the sun), is all His forms only.
Magnanimity, Cheap (mentality); lengthening and shortening (our lives) is
all He. He alone is the One who is "janghmam" as well as "sthAvaram"
(moving and non-moving). The changes that one gets during their lives- He
is not at all bound by such changes or karmAs. Such Greatest Bhagawaan is
there at ThiruviNNagar. There is NO REDEPTION or SUPPORT for me, except
His Lotus Feet. Please see those Feet.

kaaNmiNngaL ulageer! enRu* kaNmugappE nNimirndha*
thaaLiNaiyan dhannaik* kurugoorchh sadagOpan sonna*
aaNai aayiraththuth * thiruviNNagarp paththum vallaar*
kONaiyinRi viNNOrkku* enRumaavar kuravargaLE*.(2)	6.3.11

"Oh Guys! See!" and He raised His Feet to the entire haight and length of
universe during His Trivikramaavataar and asked us to see His Lotus Feet.
They came right in front of eyes for us to see. (We need not even make any
extra effort to see. Those Feet grew right in front. "kaN mugappE
nimirntha". What an enjoyment!.   - "Swami Desikan says : O Ranganaatha
PaadhukhE ! During the occasion of  Maha Bali's injusticeto the DevAs ,
you participated in the incidents of TrivikramAvathAram. You grew with
your Lord's Lotus foot  and shot upward  into the sky. When the left foot
of the Lord speeded up with explosive velocity ,at that  time , Brahma
washed with great  reverence your Lord's sacred foot as well as yourself
firmly attached to that left foot . There was not enough water however to
wash the growing foot . The naadham emanating from the rapid upward
sanchAram of your Lord"s left foot spread all over the universe and
removed the fears of the DevAs about Maha Bali permanently .

About Such Parama kAruNikO bhagawaan, Emperumaan - NaamAzhwAr
Thirukkurugoor SadagOpar has sung 1000 pAsurams. Out of thoese 1000,
readers of these ten, which are sung on ThiruviNNagarappan, than oppaaril
appan, oppiliappan, will be respected even by NityasuRis.

T i r u v a i m o z h i   of   N a m m a z h w a r - Centum : 6-3

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